Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,54

if he were right about her magical, musical gift.

“Do you play an instrument, milady?” Drake asked politely, as if simply curious.

“No,” Riki replied wistfully and Nico could hear the longing in her voice. Perhaps Drake wasn’t far off the mark in his suspicions about her gift. “I’ve always loved music but have never had the opportunity to learn. Oh, I had a little tin whistle when I was a child, but that was long ago. My sister used to dance and I’d play a tune. I think it was called ‘The Washerwoman’.”

“Ah, I know that one.” Drake launched into a complicated pattern on his small traveling lute, impressing even Nico with the dexterity of his fingers as they flew over the fret board.

“That’s it!” Riki sounded breathless with excitement, reminding Nico of how she’d gasped his name in the night. But such thoughts were dangerous. He had to pay more attention to the road and less to the beguiling woman who had stolen his heart.

“As you can see, it’s more suited to a whistle or pipe, but I can fake it on the lute as well.”

As Nico drove the horses, Drake taught Riki the rudiments of both lute and hand drum. She was a natural, even Nico could tell, though he’d had to work very hard himself to master even the first few chords on the lute when he was taught as a child. Riki picked it up almost instantly, having a natural sense of rhythm and pitch that helped her immensely. Nico was duly impressed.

He was also impressed by the way she used her voice the few times Drake encouraged her to sing. No matter what she was singing, Nico was affected deeply by the words and moods of the selections. When she sang a lament, he felt as if his heart would break, when she sang a jig, he wanted to dance and sing along. And when she sang a fight song, he felt ready to take on Lucan and his entire army single-handed.

She could sway people with the magic of her voice, just like Drake had claimed. Nico became a believer during that long ride, as Drake put her through her paces, all without ever pushing her or letting her realize she was being tested. Drake’s pointedly raised eyebrows spoke eloquently to Nico of the depth of their discovery. Riki had a powerful gift that impressed even Drake, who was used to such things. That alone brought home the importance of her gift to Nico.

As twilight rolled over the land and barren rock gave way to alpine trees, Drake indicated they were nearing their destination. They traveled a bit more slowly then, watching for the challenge Drake assured them would soon come.

The trees grew thicker and the road more narrow, when suddenly their path was blocked.

“Who seeks to enter here?” A Jinn warrior materialized out of the mist. Nico stopped the wagon, but it was Drake who took the lead, standing in the seat to put himself between any possible arrow and Riki who was still in the back of the wagon.

“Drake of the Five Lands,” he announced in a strong voice.

“And who is this with you?”

“I am Nick, Swordmaster of Melnibown, Swordsinger of Eastbourne, Knifemaster of Westerdown… Shall I go on?” A raised eyebrow challenged the Jinn warrior who was smiling now, widely.

“I have heard of those three men. Interesting to see them all before me claiming to be one person. Can you prove your titles?”

Before the soldier could blink, a knife thunked into the ground at his feet. He bent to pick it up, then threw it straight at Nico, but he was prepared. Moving lightly, he raised his hands and caught the flying knife between them, without flinching, evading or drawing a single drop of blood. Nico held up his uninjured palms to show the man, then sheathed the knife back into its hidden resting place over his chest.

“Well met, Blademaster,” the Jinn warrior finally conceded. “I am Zachari. I lead the warriors of the Black Dragon Clan. You will be welcome among our people for Drake’s sake and your own.”

“There is another. Possibly, the One we seek.” A woman’s voice rang through the mist-shrouded trees off to the side of the track. “Bring her forward.” A tall, raven-haired woman strode from the trees. She was stunning and had emerald green eyes. She wore the gold jewelry of her Clan, a pendant shaped into a dragon, wings stretched in flight. Nico’s gaze lit upon Copyright 2016 - 2024