Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,5

would never hurt you. Neither man nor dragon in my homeland would ever harm you, Riki. Do you believe me?”

“Dragon?” She paused. “My mother told us stories of a dragon she once knew.”

“Ah yes, the infamous Lady Kelzy.”

“Yes! Kelzy. That was her name.” Riki smiled with obvious delight at the small memory of her youth returned to her.

“My name is Nico, and if you sit tight, I’ll have us both out of these chains in a moment. Do you trust me enough to do that?”

Sitting up and hugging her knees, she nodded, though she was nibbling on her lips in worry. Unable to resist, Nico bent forward and kissed her forehead quickly. She jumped a little, but seemed encouraged by the small, comforting gesture. Moving back, Nico called forth the change and allowed the black mist to envelop his human form. He saw her eyes widen and then felt the manacles burst as his human hands changed to dragon scale, the iron of the chains unable to hold him. He heard Riki gasp, but overall, she was taking it well.

Sitting before her, he let her just look at him and tried to give her time to get used to his dragon form before he moved closer. He’d have to break her chains, leaving the cuffs intact for the moment. His talons were too sharp and too big to do such delicate work without hurting her, but he could definitely manage to snap the chains. The rest could be done once they were safely away.


“I’m here.”

She clutched the sides of her head in confusion. “How’d you do that?”

“You can do it too. Follow the path back to me in your mind, Riki.”

She scrunched up her face so tight he had to try hard not to laugh.

“Like this? Can you hear me?”

“I hear you, sweetheart. Well done. Now, don’t be afraid. I’m going to move closer to break the chains, all right?”

Riki held up the closest chain eagerly. Oh, she was game all right. Even as weak and tired as she was, she had a spirit that just wouldn’t die. He admired that even as he guessed at the horrors she’d suffered at Lucan’s hands. The mad king would pay, but first Nico had to get Riki to safety.

Working quickly, but as quietly at possible, Nico broke the chains as close to Riki’s tender flesh as he could risk. Moving back, he shifted to human form once more.

“We can still talk silently, if you don’t mind. It would be safer while we make our escape.”

“Is that what you meant when you said Lana had learned to shift? Can she become a dragon?”

Nico headed toward the doorway as quietly as possible. They still had to get out of the palace and had little time left in the dark of night that would shield his black dragon form from eyes down below.

“Yes. It was under dire circumstances and she’s still a little awkward, but she can shift to dragon form. She’s the first woman in the kingdom in centuries to be able to do so. I believe if anyone else can, it would be you, Riki. You’re her twin, after all. But don’t worry if you can’t. It is a rare thing and we won’t be disappointed in you if you can’t shift. I promise you that.”

“I never knew such a thing was possible.”

“It’s a secret, even in my land. The dragons know, but few humans are trusted with the knowledge.”

“Then I’m honored.”

He liked the feel of her thoughts, so intimate in his mind. Rarely had he communicated with a human female in this fashion. There were so few women who could speak with dragons, they were each prized and protected by all knights and dragons in his land.

This woman would be doubly so. Not only could she hear and talk with dragons, she could probably heal them as well, or so their energy exchange led him to believe. Nico felt good, even after that dreadful torture session, and he knew he owed it all to Riki’s incredible abilities and kind heart.

“Did I thank you for healing me, sweetheart?” He sought to distract her while he dealt with the guards. Two quick strikes and the guards at the door were dispensed with. They would not wake for hours. “You’ve an amazing healing talent, milady.”

“It’s more like a curse. It’s what’s kept me a prisoner here.”

She didn’t even flinch as he led her past the unconscious guards. Nico admired her grit. She seemed to be Copyright 2016 - 2024