Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,46

Riki had never seen the like.

The men rode up front on the plank seat, leaving Riki to the inside of the wagon, both to hide her as they rode out of the city, and because Jinn women were usually well-hidden in the light of day. The men dealt with the outside world while the women ruled the roost, or so the sayings went. Jinn women were usually only seen in a professional capacity, as singers, musicians, dancers, fortune tellers and the like, and then always watched carefully by their warrior males. Jinn men were very protective of their women, which worked to their advantage in trying to get Riki out of the city without raising any suspicion.

They left the city gates behind with little fanfare. A few of the guards asked Drake when he thought he might be back, indicating they enjoyed his music and would welcome a return visit. The usual stuff, she supposed, as she listened from within the safety of the wagon, holding her breath to see if they would be stopped and searched.

But luck was with them and they left the city behind easily enough. It was almost anti-climactic after what they’d been through to get this far, but Riki thanked the fates that allowed her to get even this distance from Lucan. Every step of the horses took her farther away from his madness and closer to freedom.

After an hour or two, Nico knocked on the little door at the front of the wagon, directly behind the plank seat. Scrambling to open it, Riki peeked out, curious about their location.

“Are you all right in there?” Nico asked quietly, his eyes searching hers.

She nodded. “It’s very comfortable.”

“You could leave this door open now, if you want some fresh air. We haven’t passed anyone on this road in a while. Chances are the traffic will be light from here on out. Not much comes down from the north this time of year.”

“Where are we going?” Riki asked, smiling as she secured the door back so it wouldn’t swing shut with the swaying movement of the wagon.

“North to the Jinnfaire,” Drake answered. “It’s a gathering of the Jinn near the northern border of Skithdron. This time at least. It’s in a different place each time.” Drake shrugged. “Word came down a few weeks ago that the Jinnfaire was being called and where. It works to our advantage right now, so that’s where we’re going.”

“Do they gather often?” Riki fought her fatigue as the wagon swayed.

“No, not at all. This is the first Jinnfaire called in more than a decade.” Drake smiled at her then turned his attention back to the team of horses.

“Why don’t you get some rest, sweetheart?” Nico caught her yawning and motioned her back into the wagon. “We’ve got quite a ways to go and you’re still recovering.”

“There’s lots of food back there too,” Drake piped in. “Feel free to eat anything you like. We can get more and I usually carry enough provisions for several months. It will only take a day or so to get to the Jinnfaire.”

Riki yawned again. “I think I’ll do that. Wake me if you need me, all right?”

The men agreed and she sank back into the shadowed interior of the wagon, heading straight for the fluffy, inviting bed.

Chapter Ten

Riki collapsed into exhausted sleep in the back of the wagon while Nico and Drake rode up front. She was safe back there, Nico knew, well hidden from anyone who might pass.

“She’s got the magic, you know. I recognized it the moment she started singing last night.” Drake’s voice was contemplative as he drove the wagon in the silent morn.

“There’s something…but I don’t know what it is exactly,” Nico finally admitted.

“It’s the Jinn magic. Some of them have it, but I’ve never felt it as strongly as last night. She can influence people with her song. It’s a secret among the Jinn, known only to the bards among them.”

“Which is most of them,” Nico put in as Drake nodded in agreement.

“True, but it is still a secret. Did you never wonder why Jinn musicians are so sought after? It’s their ability to sway a crowd or even a single listener in whatever way they wish. Last night, your girl had every last person in that common room under her spell, to do with what she willed. It’s a dangerous and amazing gift.”

“She’s not even aware of it, I don’t think.”

“Then it’s even more dangerous. We need to get her to Copyright 2016 - 2024