Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,44

wrung out utterly when at last the sensations died down. Nico kissed her long and with a tenderness that brought tears to her eyes.

“Sleep now, sweet Riki. We have a long day ahead of us.”

“But what about you?”

He kissed her forehead as he moved back. “This was for you, sweetheart. To show you how much I care. To prove you could trust me.”

“But I do trust you.” She protested lightly when he spooned her from behind, his hard cock settling into the crack of her ass as if it belonged there. “I don’t want you to suffer for my pleasure.”

Nico chuckled, low and sexy in her ear. “Does it feel like I’m suffering?”

She had no answer to that as he pumped his cock through the warm crevice of her butt cheeks. He purred in her ear, surprising her as passion stirred a bit within her.

“Go to sleep, Riki. I’ll be fine.”


“Sleep.” He cut off her protests with a gentle squeeze of her waist, his hand moving to cup her breast and pull gently on the nipple. “That’s an order.”

She felt him settle behind her, but Riki’s restless mind kept her awake. Nico was such a special man. She doubted any other man would have put her pleasure above his own. Nico was a prince—both literally and figuratively. She had to smile at the thought as she snuggled back against him. He was asleep, but even in sleep, he cradled her body gently, his still semi-hard cock nestling against her.

Riki wished she dared take him fully, but she was so desperately afraid. She wanted him, of that there was no doubt, but she feared what would happen after she gave herself to him. Would he desert her? She thought not, but she really had no way of knowing for sure. Even more importantly, would they be recaptured by Lucan? If so, her purity was the only thing saving her. Could she give up her one protection?

Riki just wasn’t sure. In fact, she wasn’t sure about anything. Her heart was in turmoil. Strange new feelings were churning within her for this special man who held her so close in the night, with little thought for his own comfort. It would be so easy to fall in love with Nico. Riki was afraid she was half in love with him already. But did he—could he—love her in return?

Nico was a prince, and no matter what he claimed about her heritage, she was just a runaway slave. From the moment she’d been stolen from her home and family, she’d been a possession, a plaything, a pawn to be traded and bartered among men more powerful than she. Riki would never go back to that, but she knew all too well, she might not have any choice in the matter. If she was recaptured, all her options would be gone.

It really all boiled down to this moment, and this man. Riki turned in his arms, looking her fill at his handsome face, relaxed now in sleep. He really was beautiful, both inside and out. And he was caring and selfless as well. She’d learned that firsthand.

Nico had been so kind to her, so gentle. Oh, how she wished she could make love to him fully. She knew he would be a generous, kind and caring lover. The longing for his cock welled within her, dampening her pussy and making her squirm.

She dared not take him where she wanted him most, but she’d already sampled his come and wanted more. Looking down between their bodies, she saw he was still semi-erect. It would take little, she guessed, to bring him back to full hardness and then to the same height of pleasure he’d given her.

Gathering her courage, Riki worked her way down his body with her mouth and hands, placing little kisses here and there, licking and lapping at his hard ridges and the flat nipples, making her way to the ultimate goal.

Nico’s eyes shot open as he felt a soft tongue swirling around his nipple.


He spied just the top of her head, working downward on his body as Riki kissed and licked him awake in the most delightful way. The little princess was an adventuress.

“I hope you know what you’re getting into.”

His voice seemed to startle her. Riki stopped, her soft hands around his cock, and looked up at him. Nico nearly groaned at the glazed passion he read in her lovely green eyes. The light was dim, but his vision was keener than most Copyright 2016 - 2024