Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,42

explore what her voice could truly do.

It sounded far-fetched, even to him, but then, Riki’s twin could shift to dragon form. Who said Riki hadn’t found some other way to channel the immense dragon magic within her soul?

“Would you and your lady favor us with another song?” The jovial landlord was back at their table, but Nico turned the man down with a regretful sigh.

“I fear not, good sir. My wife is newly with child and tires easily these early days.”

The man smiled broadly, offering his congratulations as Riki snuggled closer to Nico, feigning fatigue very well indeed. She was a natural at this sort of thing and he couldn’t be prouder of her. There could be no more perfect mate for the Prince of Spies.

“Well, if I can’t convince you, the room next to your cousin’s is ready for you. Drake arranged it this morning when he got word of your arrival.” The landlord took up two empty tankards in one big hand and swiped the table dry with a cloth he kept at his waist. “I know you’ll be taking your leave early in the morn, so I’ll wish you well now and hope you’ll return to visit us the next time you’re in the city.”

Nico shook the man’s free hand, surprised only a little by the secret gesture he made with his thumb. No wonder Drake stayed here when he was in Plinth. This man was part of the Brotherhood of the Jinn. Nico gave him the return sign and a wide grin split the man’s face as he nodded once and bustled off. Nico realized they had friends in Plinth he hadn’t even known about. Aligning with the Jinn—something Drake had managed to accomplish long ago, and Nico more recently—was turning out to be a very good thing, indeed.

Riki was content to let Nico handle arrangements and guide her actions. Once the soldiers left the tavern, the real fatigue of the escape, the journey, her residual weakness from the beatings and starvation and the letdown from the terrifying fear that those soldiers would raise the alarm all collided within her. Riki was drained and weak, more than happy to lean on Nico and let him lead the way down the dim hall to their room.

They went into the room just before Drake’s, and Riki let Nico settle her on the side of a large bed, offering no protest when he removed the scarf from her hair, then the jewelry. He left the ring on her finger and kept his own on as well, which touched her for some odd reason. They weren’t mated in the tradition of the Jinn, but they wore the symbols, and it pleased some inner desire she hadn’t even recognized.

When he tugged at her dress, she protested. Sitting at her side on the edge of the large bed, Nico grasped her hands in his.

“I won’t hurt you, Riki. I promise.”

“I know you won’t,” she replied softly, “but I can’t give you my virginity. It’s my only protection from Lucan and his men. Please understand.”

Nico’s lips thinned, but he seemed to swallow whatever argument he wanted to make. Instead, he pulled her into his arms, holding her close to his heart.

“I do understand, but know this, Arikia. A time will come when you will give yourself to me willingly.” His words were strong and sure, sending bolts of excitement through her warm body. “I will never force you, never take you without your consent, never seduce you into anything. You will come to me willingly, or not at all. Is that clear?”

She nodded against his chest. “Yes, Nico. Thank you.” The relief was heartfelt. Riki knew Nico was a man of his word. If he said she would be given the choice of her own free will, then she believed him.

“Do you trust me?”

“I do,” she said softly, knowing the truth of those words in her heart.

“Then lie with me tonight. Skin to skin. I promise I will not take your virginity this night or tomorrow morn, but I need to feel you against me, sweetheart, like I need my next breath.”

And she could feel the need trembling through his strong muscles, so close under her cheek beneath his shirt. If she truly trusted him—and she did—she would do as he requested, but there was one problem.

She didn’t trust herself.

Still, she wanted to feel Nico’s skin against hers. The idea was too tantalizing to resist and she had his promise of safety as Copyright 2016 - 2024