Prince of Spies - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,39

could ask questions about them. He was good. He was actually damn good, Riki quickly realized. On par with or better than many of the famous bards who had entertained Lucan in the palace.

She recognized some of the tunes he played and found herself tapping her toes and humming along. Riki had always loved music of almost any kind and had hidden her enjoyment carefully from Lucan. He often had musicians play for him in his chambers, though it was more for effect than any true enjoyment, Riki secretly thought. Lucan was always too busy eating and plying his many lovers to bother listening to the music he demanded be played in the background. Only Riki truly enjoyed the soaring melodies and clever rhymes. One or two of the musicians had noted her interest, but were keen enough to keep their knowledge well hidden from the vindictive king.

Riki saw the pitying looks they gave her, though, as they entered and left the chamber where she was kept chained. A few would smile at her kindly when nobody could see and some would play songs she particularly loved—sometimes she thought they played them just for her. Lucan could care less what ballad or dance tune was played, as long as there was music to accompany his pathetic seductions.

It was rather disgusting, really, but Riki never associated the music with the heinous acts she’d been forced to witness. No, the music had been her savior at such times, allowing her to focus on something with her ears, even while her eyes were forced to watch something abhorrent to her.

And Lucan made her watch. When, in the beginning, she’d tried to turn away, he’d had guards tie her and beat her until she complied with Lucan’s desires. It seemed because he couldn’t have her, he enjoyed taunting the virgin with his vile acts of sexual possession. Everything she knew about sexual perversions she’d learned from watching Lucan, but as long as there was music, she could focus on that, even while her eyes remained open and watching Lucan’s disgusting tableaus.

The music was her salvation, her solace and her strength. No one knew just how deeply she loved it.

Drake launched into a sad ballad known as “Arundelle’s Lament”. It was a mythical tale about how the river bordering both Skithdron and Draconia in the north got its name. It told of the sad wizard woman, Arundelle, who lost her mate in the days when wizards still roamed the lands and magic was everywhere and in all things.

Riki loved Drake’s version of the song and her eyes filled with tears at the particularly poignant verses. It was a long ballad with many stanzas and Riki sat entranced through each and every one, as did most of the room. Drake was truly gifted.

When the last note sounded, silence reigned through the crowded room. Seconds later, thunderous applause filled the air. Coppers and even a silver coin or two flew through the air to land in the pot at Drake’s feet as he smiled and bowed to the cheering crowd. He picked up the pot of coins and set it on the table between Riki and Nico as the applause died down.

“Thank you my friends,” Drake addressed the crowd with a humble smile. “I must take a break now, but I’ll play more for you after I’ve wet my whistle.”

Groans and cajoling rose from the crowd, many trying to get Drake to play some more, but he politely declined, pulling out the big chair reserved for him. He drank heartily of the tankard a pretty lass placed before him. In fact, drinks were delivered for Riki and Nico too, simply because they were with Drake, so popular was he.

A burly man came over, wiping his hands on his apron, and Riki realized this must be the landlord or one of his family, at least. Drake stood and shook the man’s hand, introducing him to Nico and then briefly to Riki as Jonas Brewer. He seemed a pleasant sort of fellow with a kind smile, but Riki saw he had a shrewd eye for business and he ran his establishment with keen awareness of efficiency and potential for profit.

“Won’t your cousins favor us with a song?” Brewer asked with a jovial smile. There was an undercurrent of urgency as well and Riki was instantly on alert for why the man seemed a bit anxious. Nico and Drake must have felt it as well, for both sat a little Copyright 2016 - 2024