Primal Desire (Heart of the Huntress #6) - Terry Spear Page 0,4

the vampires. She could only hope that if she didn’t provoke an attack, no one would initiate one either.

Surely, others would not permit a rogue’s unprovoked attack against her here. Though several of the women looked like they were having a devil of time reining in their more primal instincts.

The notion a vampire might have put Tara up to bringing Selena here, put a new spin on the situation though. At once, the unease that she’d tried to contain while she flaunted herself in front of the club full of vampires began to take its toll. Her hands grew clammy and perspiration collected between her breasts. Her heartbeat quickened no matter that she tried to slow its pace by breathing in more deeply. The sound of the blood racing through her veins served as an enticement for ravenous vampires. So, she really needed to calm her frantic heart.

She took several deep breaths and when she reached the edge of the dance floor, she searched for the bar through the myriad of dancers. Desperately, she wanted to quit the place, but she couldn’t. Not without appearing to be a coward. Hunters already looked down on her. She wasn’t about to be treated the same way by a bunch of blood-drinking vamps.

Scanning the dance floor where men and women began to get back to the business of dancing, rubbing their bodies together in sexual bliss, Selena raised her brows. She’d never witnessed them dancing before. Not intending to show any interest but to get a drink, observe the crowd for as long as it took to finish her drink while waiting for a sign from Twilight, then vamoose, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the dancers. From one couple in particular—the man dressed in a black tux, his black hair curling to the edges of his white collar, while his fingers stroked the woman’s breasts covered in a black silk dress—in front of everyone. The woman responded by slipping her leg between his legs and rubbing.

Selena had never seen anything so bold, so indecent in public, and so intriguing. She knew she should look away and concentrate on the whereabouts of the woman named Twilight.

Before she could shift her attention from the erotic dancers, Selena moved away from the dance floor and ran straight into a solid figure. Jerking her gaze from the dancers, she turned to see what immoveable, warm-bodied force she’d stumbled into. Her eyes caught the man’s icy blue ones, which proceeded to darken to nearly black. His lips remained noncommittal, but his eyes held hers with such determination, she almost felt he could read her mind, or he thought he could control her. Neither of which vampires had the ability to do with hunters. She scoffed silently to herself. All vampires were totally conceited.

Mumbling an apology, she tried to go around him, but he blocked her path.

“Would you care to dance?” he asked, in a typical vampiric voice, deep, dark, and seductive.

Both males and females used the timbre of their voices to lure an intended blood bond to them. But Selena wasn’t a normal human, and thankfully she couldn’t be lured in that manner.

“Thank you, no.” She managed to slip around him and headed for her intended destination. The bar. A drink. Another quick survey of the crowd. And an even quicker departure. Though she intended to make it look like she wasn’t departing quickly because she was bothered by any of them.

Reaching the bar, she found all the stools had been taken. Not that it mattered. After she got her drink, she could slip closer to the door and leave as soon as she was done. If this Twilight woman wanted to approach her, maybe she would do so if Selena was nearer the exit and not quite so conspicuous. As if a huntress in a vampire club could be inconspicuous, she chastised herself.

Then again, maybe when she left the club, the woman would attempt to meet with her in the parking lot.

The music shifted to a slower tempo, but the erotic moves of the dancers couldn’t get much more sexual without the dance partners stripping off their clothes and doing it on the floor. Sure she was experiencing an early hot flash after getting an eyeful, Selena leaned toward the bar and ordered a Tom Collins. The blond male seated next to her, slid off the barstool, gave Selena a wicked look, then floated away.

Still intending to get a drink and leave, Selena ignored the Copyright 2016 - 2024