Primal Bonds - By Jennifer Ashley Page 0,49

“I want to finish this.”

Andrea nodded, as though it weren’t even a question.

She felt her feet leave the ground as Sean lifted her into his arms. He was strong, never faltering as he went up the stairs.

Damn, this was dangerous. Knowing Sean could make her feel like that took away Andrea’s power. She’d wanted him before, to explore his body, to discover him, to touch and tease. Now Sean had turned the tables, letting her know he could mold her like clay any time he wanted to. All he had to do was touch Andrea, and she’d do anything he asked.

She couldn’t lose herself like this. But she found no words to deny him as he carried her into her bedroom and laid her on the bed.

Sean didn’t wait to close the curtains or shut the door or make small talk. He stripped off his briefs and let them fall, red letters flashing on black fabric.

He didn’t hide his wanting either. As Sean climbed onto the bed, Andrea couldn’t stop herself from closing her hand around his thick, hard cock.

Sean stopped, his eyes flicking to white blue. “I don’t think you want to do that, lass.”

In answer, Andrea squeezed. Sean always brought out the playfulness in her, the teasing that Lupines loved.

She licked her lips as Sean groaned. “Why shouldn’t I, Seanie? You had so much fun with me.”

“That was different. I was readying you to take me.”

“I see.” Andrea formed a teasing pout. “It had nothing to do with making me feel ...” She squeezed again. “Like that?”

Sean took a sharp breath. “Well, maybe it had something to do with that.”

“Besides, aren’t I readying you?”

“No, you’re torturing the hell out of me.”

“Poor little alpha,” Andrea said softly. “Can’t handle one of your pride?”

Sean scraped her hair back with a strong hand. “You’re not in my pride. Yet. And I don’t want to handle you. I want to mate with you.”

She pretended to look startled. “Golly, there’s a difference?”

“Dad tries to handle Glory. See how well that works?”

Andrea ran her foot up the back of Sean’s leg. “Maybe wolf-girls don’t like to be leashed.”

Sean’s answering growl shuddered excitement through her. His eyes were white, pupils flicking to slits, the Feline in him aroused.

She smiled up at him, ran her finger down his nose. “Tomcat. What are you going to do with your little bad wolf?”

His growl strengthened. Sean was losing control, and instead of that terrifying her, Andrea wanted to laugh. Who said Sean could steal all her power?

She let her fingers drift across his cheek, which was flushed and hot. “I’m ready.”

Sean’s hand was hard as he stroked it around her breast. “Be sure, love. I’m big.”


“’Tis true. And you’re not fully Shifter.”

Shifters were larger—in all ways—than human males. Kim had told Andrea that salient fact, along with measurements. Eleven inches was common. Female Shifters, according to Glory, were built to accommodate, but Andrea was part Fae, her build more slender than that of most Shifter women. But Kim had learned to accommodate Liam—even without the obvious evidence of her pregnancy, the noise those two made next door proved it.

“I’m willing to give it a shot.” Andrea lifted her foot, toes teasing the back of Sean’s thigh up to his buttocks.

The movement opened her to Sean, and his tip slid straight in. Andrea stopped laughing, her breath speeding at the feel of him inside her. Only a few inches inside her, but she already wanted more.

She rubbed her foot on his thigh, encouraging him. His size was surprising but also exciting. What would it feel like when he was all the way in?

“Sean. Please.”

His eyes were his wildcat’s, no trace of the human left. But he softened his touch, gently kissing her lips as he slid his way into her wet and open passage.

Andrea’s head went back on the pillow, her thoughts scattering. Sean was hard and hot, heavy on her, and yet, he touched her with such tenderness that her eyes filled with tears.

“Andrea, love.” Sean closed his eyes on a groan as he slid in. He opened them again, the dark blue returning as he looked at her. “I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you.”

Andrea tried to answer, but only a groan came out of her mouth. She lifted herself against him, using her legs to pull him in and in.

It didn’t hurt. Not exactly. Kim had told her that the first time for human females could be painful and about the hymen, a barrier that Copyright 2016 - 2024