The Priestess and the Thief Kindred Tales 30 - Evangeline Anderson Page 0,67

wished it might never end.

But at last she began to feel that her secret spot was getting too sensitive to be touched and started twitching her hips away from the big warrior.

Roke seemed to understand that she had reached her limit of pleasure, because he pulled back with a last, sweet, sucking kiss to her pussy, and looked up at her.

“Gods, you taste delicious little priestess,” he growled, his voice hoarse with lust. “Do you feel better now? Is the ache all gone?”

“Yes.” Elli nodded, still breathless from the intense pleasure. She felt limp and tired and completely contented. “Yes, Roke—you healed me just right. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” He kissed her again, this time on the small, springy mound of curls at the apex of her sex. “And listen, if you start hurting and aching again, just let me know.”

“You mean you’ll…you’ll heal me again?” Elli asked him, nibbling her lower lip.

He nodded.

“Any time at all, little priestess. If your nipples or your soft little pussy starts aching, just tell me and I’ll be down on my knees, lapping your soft little cunt before the words are out of your mouth.”

“You must like to heal,” Elli remarked, twitching her hips. His hot, dirty words were making her throb again.

“I fucking love it,” Roke growled. “But only when it’s you, sweetheart,” he added. “I don’t want to heal anyone else. All right?”

“All right.” Elli nodded. “Thank you, Roke.”

“Any time,” he murmured. Then, kissing her mound again, he rose slowly and slid back into bed beside her. “Now go to sleep, little priestess. Tomorrow is another big day.”

“Yes, I…I suppose it is.” Elli sighed and shifted to get more comfortable in his arms. She loved to pillow her head on his broad chest and listen to the comforting deep rhythm of his heart.

But inside, she was already wondering when it would be appropriate to ask Roke to “heal” her again…


The next few days, they fell into a kind of routine. They got up early for the communal breakfast and then Elli spent most of the day in the training ring with Demon while Roke watched her work.

Now that she had a connection with him, the huge zorel was coming along nicely. He truly was one of the most intelligent zorels Elli had ever worked with and he understood at once what she was asking of him and was willing—even eager—to do it.

However, Demon was only willing to work with her—he still snorted warningly when the other grooms came near and he didn’t much like the Crown Prince either. Elli knew she had a way to go with him—unfortunately he was what her father used to call a “one person zorel” and he had apparently picked Elli as his person. She had to find a way to transfer his affections, though she wasn’t sure how she was going to manage it.

In the meantime, she spent some time educating the Tenebrian grooms. She had ordered them to throw away their pain prods and because she was now the Royal Zorel Entrancer with the favor of the Crown Prince, they had to obey. Some of them grumbled about it but Elli was devoting an hour of every day to teaching them the correct way to handle zorels without using pain as a motivator.

“Zorels are beautiful, intelligent creatures who want to work with you,” she lectured them sternly. “You don’t need to hurt them to make them do what you ask—you just need to make them understand what you need and give them a motivation to obey.”

“Pain’s a good motivation, though,” one groom pointed out sullenly. He was clearly still missing his pain prod, Elli thought with a frown.

“It’s a good short-term motivation,” she said. “But in the long term, a zorel will do much more for you if you treat him or her with kindness and respect. Now come here, Yanus, and let me show you the proper way to use the reins when you’re guiding a zorel.”

The head groom came forward willingly—he at least seemed to take some interest in what Elli was trying to teach them all.

“Very good,” Elli remarked. “Now, I’ve noticed that a lot of you are sawing and yanking on the reins when you’re trying to direct a zorel you’re training or riding.”

“But how else are we s’posed to get the bloody greats beasts to go where we want them to?” Yanus asked in honest bewilderment.

“Just show them and tell them where you want them to go,” Elli told Copyright 2016 - 2024