Prideful Savage (A Warrior's Redemption #1) - Miranda Bridges Page 0,34

one hand clenching my gun and the other splayed over the female’s chest for protection, ensuring she stays behind me. Six shadows emerge from the trees in the near distance, their moss-green uniforms camouflaged by the thick vegetation. Their ray guns are strange—not like any weapon I’ve ever seen—and they point them with expressions wiped entirely clean of emotion.

“I said identity yourself now!”

I lock eyes with the speaker, a bulky, fair-haired male with a viscous scar hacked diagonally across his face. The males around him advance leisurely, their black military boots crunching on dead leaves. It’s evident I stand no chance against them in my nonbeast form. I slide a glance over my shoulder to the female only to find her looking at the speaker.

“General Markel? Is that you?” Her voice drags the male’s attention to her for a moment as she tries to sidestep me to look at him.

Is this male one of her people?

“You’ve got two seconds to tell me why you’re here,” he growls, his eyes cutting back to me. “Before I put a bullet in your skull.”

I clench my jaw and tighten my grip on my gun. If he is one of her people, these humans sure have a strange way of welcoming one another. I didn’t expect them to kiss or fuck like my kind, but I certainly did not anticipate hostility.

“Who and what the fuck are you?” the male snarls.

“Don’t shoot, he’s with me!” Ella steps out again, her hand outstretched in supplication. I tense, prepared to pull her behind me if I need to. Her steps are quiet. Uncertain. Perhaps this male is an enemy and wishes to bring her harm? It’s clear she’s uneasy in his presence, so I aim my weapon at him, inwardly hoping he makes a move so I can kill him.

“I crashed down on Vorexia and was taken prisoner,” she says. “He helped save me and even brought me here. I’ve been trying to contact you, but nobody would answer my calls.”

Each of the males regards us suspiciously.

Creatures scuttle in the forest, their darting movements the only sounds.

At last the leader speaks. “Anyone who’s been MIA for more than seventy-two hours is no longer permitted access and is considered a threat.”

“What?” She chuckles nervously and takes another step. “General Markel, it’s me. You know, the girl who used to steal your protein bars back when you were just a cadet.”

If the male indeed recognizes her, his countenance does not show it.

“Stand back!” He motions his men forward, and they surround us, ready to fire on command. “Take one more step, Ella, and I’ll shoot.”

My muscles tighten, and I grind my teeth, just managing to hold my beast at bay. So this male does know her, yet his hostility would imply they are enemies.

“If you continue to threaten my mate,” I snarl, dragging the female behind me, my finger hovering over the trigger, “I’m afraid you’ll be the one with a bullet embedded in your skull, human. I have brought Ella here to reunite with her people. Stand in my way, and I’ll kill you.”

The male’s grip tightens on his own weapon. “Is that a threat?”

“A guarantee.” I take a step.

He cocks his weapon. “Put the fucking gun down!”

Ella stays me with a hand on my arm, and she peers around to look at the leader.

“General, forgive me for stepping out of line, but what the fuck is wrong with you? You know who I am, and I’ve already stated he’s my friend.”

The male pays her no heed. The others move in, their intentions clear when they aim at Ella. They are not going to allow her access and are evidently of a mind to resort to violence. The way they look at her like she’s committed the highest form of treason boils my blood to the point of combustion, and my beast side prepares to rip to the surface.

I swallow in an effort to quell my anger, but the moment one of them fires a warning shot into the tree beside me, narrowly avoiding Ella, something within me cracks. Ebony spots seep into my line of sight, and then flames—red-hot, searing flames—explode over my skin. Bones stretch and crack, my skin tears, and my horns elongate as my instincts take over.

With a flick of my flaming tail, I whip the warriors into the trees, their guns clattering to the ground. From behind my eyes, fire shrouds my vision, including the female cowering behind me. She’s a tiny, vulnerable Copyright 2016 - 2024