Price of a Bounty - By S. L. Wallace Page 0,58

– summer session. Until then, she’ll shadow Dani and begin learning the language.”

“Why don’t you tell us a little more about Dani.” Keira suggested. She took another bite of her salad.

She was right. I shouldn’t put it off any longer. “Guy, I want to thank you.”

“What?” Guy was having trouble cutting through his steak. He gave up and looked at me. “Why?”

“If it hadn’t been for you, for your plans to make allies overseas, I never would have met Danielle, and we never would have gotten married.”

“Married? Do you really think that’s wise?”

“Wise or not, we were married over a year ago, and we’ve been able to make it work.”

Guy pushed back his plate. “But now they’re tracking your flights.”


“We’ll have to try to do something about that, won’t we?” Guy said.

“I’d like us to work on it, yes.”

“Let’s forget the steak,” Keira suggested, “and celebrate with some apple pie.”


Keeping Busy

I was glad April was settling in nicely in Parisio. Weeks passed, and in many ways, I was settling in nicely too. I loved my new apartment, and I saw Guy almost every day. Some days we had lunch together. Sometimes he would spend the night. Most of the time, I was free to do as I pleased, just as I always had.

I continued one of my favorite past times, people watching. I enjoyed being in different settings, watching how different people reacted to the events in their lives. I drew on this knowledge whenever I pulled a job.

But I hadn’t pulled a job since we’d rescued April, and I was getting restless. To be fair, I didn’t think Guy was currently working undercover either. He seemed happy enough going to work at his father’s firm and spending much of his time off with me. But eventually, I started asking.

“Have you thought of a way to help Scott?”

“What do you mean?”

“He needs a way to be able to fly to Parisio, regularly.”

“He knew the risks well before he married Danielle.”

“Don’t you want them to be together?”

“I help people who are truly in need of help. Scott and Danielle are both healthy and safe.”

“But you told him you’d try to help!”

“Let me and Scott worry about that, all right?”

“Well, do you have anything else going on? Is there anything I can do to help the Resistance?”

Guy sighed. “No, nothing right now. Keira, you’ll have to be patient. Weeks can go by between jobs, sometimes even months, and it is better that way, safer. I’ll let you know when the right job comes along.”

I sighed too. “All right.”

“Look, why don’t you learn a new skill? Why don’t you ask Eberhardt to teach you how to drive?”

“You want me to learn to drive?”

“Knowing how to drive is a good skill to have. Don’t you agree?”

“Sure. All right. I’ll talk to Eberhardt tomorrow.”

Driving was fun – more fun than I had expected, but it wasn’t what I craved. A couple more weeks went by with nothing, no jobs for the Resistance. Apparently, all was right with the world. That should have made me happy, but…

“Couldn’t we go looking for a job? I’m sure someone needs help,” I said to Guy one evening. “Besides, I need to keep my skills sharp, and I need to have some fun.”

“Aren’t we having fun?” Guy tickled my neck with the tip of his tongue.

I playfully pushed him away. “Yes, but I mean a different kind of fun.”

Well, we had fun that night, but not the kind I’d been talking about. Finally, I remembered what I’d told myself so many weeks ago. I could work for the Resistance and still pick up bounties on the side.


The next night Guy and I didn’t have any plans together, so I decided not to stay home. I wore a classy skirt that revealed plenty of leg, a red top with a drop neckline and a pair of black heels. I took a minute to admire my reflection in the mirror, then headed out.

The Dry Martini was the sort of place where business men went to relax after work. In my experience, disgruntled workers were easy targets, and this was the perfect place to find them.

I chose a seat at the bar where I could see most of the patrons in the mirror. I ordered a martini and listened to the conversations that flowed around me. Almost immediately, I noticed a man in a dark grey suit. He was complaining to an associate about one of their competitors.

I looked for an opening. Another Copyright 2016 - 2024