Price of a Bounty - By S. L. Wallace Page 0,30

hadn’t said that. He just said he would be seeing her. He didn’t even know where she was. Where could she have gone? Not to Scott, obviously. Was she with her sister? I realized I didn’t even know her sister’s name. Probably not, Scott would have known if she was with family.

More than once, Scott had described Keira as independent. I tried to think like her. What would she do now, after her most valuable possessions had been destroyed?

Eberhardt immediately noticed my expression in the rear view mirror. “What’s wrong?”

“I think she may be planning to take out Elaine Ramsey by herself, whatever the cost.”

“That’s no surprise,” he said. “It’s what I would do.”

I looked at him in alarm.

He looked back. “She hasn’t done anything yet.”


Liberty Park

Several days ago, I heard a news report about an explosion at an apartment complex. They attributed it to outdated electrical wiring – 53 dead. I watched the reflection of the teleview in the mirror and set down my razor. I recognized that neighborhood and immediately called April. She hadn’t heard anything. We were both worried but refused to accept the worst.

I’d last seen Keira at Ramsey’s party. When I’d left, Elaine Ramsey was still saying goodbye to her departing guests, and Keira was nowhere in sight. I had a feeling she was hiding somewhere in the house waiting for an opportunity. And the next morning, I saw the news.

Later that day, I received a call. “Maddock here.” I turned on the vidscreen.

April’s image appeared, her brow furrowed. “Can we get together sometime soon? I’m so worried about Keira.”

She didn’t sound quite like herself. Keira must have contacted her somehow. “I’ll be done at noon on Wednesday. Where?”

“By the trees.”

“I’ll be there.”


April and Keira sat on a blanket in front of the apple trees. They stood as I approached. Keira had cut her hair; short dark curls framed her face. I leaned down to hug them both.

“You’re late,” Keira said. “Is everything okay?”

“I was followed, had to shake him. Where are you staying?”

“With Cole.”

“I’ll kill him.”

“No, you won’t,” she said firmly. “This was my choice, Scott. I went to him. Cole’s done nothing wrong, and he treats me way better than most.”

“That doesn’t make him a good person. Has he hurt you?”

“No! He never has. See, no scratches or bruises.” She stood up and spun around. “No new ones anyway.”

“Well, that’s a start. You do know what he is, what he does? He’s very well known in certain circles.”

“I don’t partake. Besides he only sells to the Elite and the…” She looked at me then with a question in her eyes. “You don’t, do you Scott?”

“No, I don’t do drugs,” I responded emphatically, even though that wasn’t entirely true. Every soldier in Special Ops was expected to take certain drugs to enhance performance in the line of duty. “It’s likely he’s killed, you know. In his line of work…”

“And I’m a Freelancer. What do you think I do?” she countered.

“Cole doesn’t love you.”

“Nobody said he did. He’s just giving me a place to stay.” April leaned over and gave her a hug.

“Really? Is he helping a friend in need, or is he charging you?”

Keira looked away, so it was as I’d assumed.

“His price is fair,” she responded quietly, “and he honestly hasn’t hurt me.”

“I could give you money.”

“No, I take care of myself. You know that Scott.” Yes, I knew. Keira had never accepted money from me, not even when I’d worked so hard just for them. At least April had accepted my help back then, and I knew she made sure some of that money had benefited Keira too.

“Keira…” I sighed and shook my head. I wished she’d let me help her, but I had to be careful. If I said the wrong thing, she may run again. To complicate matters, we couldn’t speak freely in front of April. As far as I knew, she didn’t know anything at all about the Resistance. “I’ve spoken with Rick.”

“What’s he like?” April asked.

“Worth it,” I said to Keira. “I think he has real feelings for you.”

“No.” She shook her head, and her eyes grew dark. “I went to him first. He turned me down.”

“Oh Keira!” said April. “That could be a good sign.”

“How would you know?” she spat.

“Well, I’ve met someone.” April sounded hurt.

Keira and I both looked at her in surprise.

“It’s the new groundskeeper.” April blushed.

“What’s he like?” Keira asked.

“Oh no! No distractions. Today we’re talking about you, not me.”

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