Pretty When She Cries - A. Zavarelli Page 0,58

witch trial, and I’m about to burn.

“Is everything okay?” I ask quietly.

Mr. Dawson sighs. “Mrs. Rothschild has come to me with some rather disturbing allegations, Miss Hale. I’d like to address those with you.”


Outwardly, I’m trying to stay cool, but inwardly, I’m totally freaking out. This must be about the video from the party. Audrey actually ratted me out.

“Is it true that you went to the Rothschild’s home and physically assaulted Audrey before turning on her mother?” he asks.

“What?” The blood drains from my limbs.

“Mrs. Rothschild says you attacked Audrey after the complaint regarding the dance routines, and furthermore, you’ve been threatening her at school as well. There are also two additional witnesses who support these claims—”

“That isn’t true!” I gape at Mrs. Rothschild, who’s as cool as a cucumber. “You know that never happened.”

“Deny it all you want.” She sniffs as she gestures to a stack of photos on the principal’s desk. “The evidence doesn’t lie.”

I examine the photos of Audrey’s scratched-up arms and neck in disbelief. There are also a few bruises for good measure. I always knew she was nuts, but this is borderline sociopathic.

“I didn’t do that!” I focus on Mr. Dawson, silently imploring him to believe me. “I swear it.”

He looks exhausted, and I can only hope he knows how manipulative Audrey and her mother are. But those hopes are dashed in the next sentence.

“I’ve spoken to your mother. She’s on her way to pick you up.”

“But I have dance!” I blurt.

“Pending the investigation into these claims, you won’t be allowed to participate on the dance team until further notice.”

“That’s not fair.” My body vibrates with anger, and I know it’s only proving their point. I look like I can’t control myself. But I can’t help it. This just isn’t right.

“Please gather your things and meet your mother in the parking lot,” Mr. Dawson instructs me. “You can attend classes until we come to a decision, but in the meantime, you will keep your distance from Audrey Rothschild, or it will result in immediate expulsion.”

My legs feel like noodles when I stand and grab my backpack, but apparently, the threats hanging over my head aren’t bad enough. Audrey’s mother has one last parting shot for me.

“Oh, and you might want to tell your mother to get herself a good lawyer. I already have.”

“I can’t do this anymore, Kailani.”

My mother stares out the window of her BMW because she doesn’t want to look at me or the melted cup of mint chocolate chip ice cream in my lap. This was what we always used to do. Whenever there was a bad day, or even a good one, she’d buy me ice cream, and we’d talk it out. She always said ice cream could fix almost anything. The memory isn’t as sweet anymore, and I know it’s because I’ve tainted it.

“I didn’t do this.” My voice wavers. “I swear, Mama.”

There’s a long beat of silence before she looks at me again. “Don’t you think I know that?”

I blink through the tears, confused. “You do?”

“Of course, I do,” she says. “Lily Rothschild doesn’t have a conscience or a soul. But you do. And I know my daughter. I know you wouldn’t do the things they said you did.”

Guilt consumes me. She still looks at me like I’m the girl who made her flower necklaces as a child. She doesn’t know I’ve gone bad, like a spoiled apple. I’m still shiny on the outside, but inside, I’m all rotten.

“I didn’t do what they say,” I admit. “But I did want to get back at Audrey. And I did something I shouldn’t have.”

“Tell me what happened,” she pleads.

But I can’t. I can’t admit all the ugly and terrible truths. The party. The reason I left. The blackmail photos of Jared and the video of Audrey. Pushing away my best friend. This place has turned me into a monster and saying it out loud will only confirm what I’m not ready to face. I can’t win. There is no such thing as revenge. The only one who loses here is me.

“Audrey’s just horrible,” I blurt. “She’s had it out for me from the start.”

My mom looks away again. “Kail, I’m beginning to wonder if you were right. Maybe this isn’t the best place for you right now.”

“What?” My hands go numb around the stupid cup of ice cream. “You don’t want me here?”

“Of course I want you here.” Emotion chokes her voice when she reaches out to tuck a piece of Copyright 2016 - 2024