Pretty Things - Janelle Brown Page 0,170

her grift for years, faking identities so she could get close to wealthy people and rip them off. She stole from me, and I’m sure she was planning to steal from you, too. That must be why she brought me here in the first place. This place—it’s full of valuables, yeah? I think she was planning to slip some things in her pockets before leaving town.” It makes sense; I nod. “So then. She deserves whatever she gets, and if that means, say, knocking her out and then putting her on a private plane, so be it.”

“Knocking her out—how? You mean, getting her drunk? Or are we talking about roofies here?”

Michael’s fingers on my leg tighten and release, tighten and release. His hair has grown longer in the two months he’s been in Tahoe, and nearly touches his collar. He’s tucked it back behind his ears in a way that I don’t find particularly attractive. “Honestly, I would have thought you’d be happy to see her go down. I’m not sure why you’re ambivalent. Didn’t you try to poison her, for chrissake?”

He’s right, of course. I remember the Visine that I squeezed into Nina’s drink, ages ago now. I was thirsting for revenge then, it’s true. But that was a harmless prank: a night spent over the toilet, nothing permanent. (Not poison! Not technically.) And yes, I stole her fiancé (and her ring) but that was love, and forgivable. Kidnapping sounds so…violating. And illegal. I imagine her waking up on a plane, her wrists bound, with no idea where she’s headed. The image isn’t satisfying; it’s disturbing.

“It sounds like a complicated endeavor,” I murmur. “Legally dubious. And expensive.”

He runs his hand up and down my leg. “Mmm. Actually, that’s what I need to talk to you about. The fixer and the private investigator and the lawyer…they all work on retainer.”

I suddenly see where this is going. “You need money.”

“Temporarily. Until I disentangle my finances.”

“How much?”

“A hundred-twenty.”

I’m relieved. “A hundred and twenty dollars? Sure, I’ll get my checkbook.”

He chuckles: So charming. “No, darling. A hundred twenty thousand dollars.”

I pick up the tea again, and take a sip that scalds my tongue. It’s too strong and too sweet. The dark knot inside my belly is twisting and twisting and twisting. “Michael. Maybe you should just let it go. That’s an awful lot to spend on what sounds like a wild-goose chase. How much money of yours did she even take? I can’t imagine it’s worth the expenditure.”

He stares at me. “It’s the principle of the thing. She should pay for what she did.”

“But she brought us together, too. So maybe we call it even and move on.”

“If we don’t stop her, she’ll just go on to target other people. And it will be our fault.”

“But isn’t that the job of the police?”

He jumps up and starts pacing the room. “I called the police. They said their hands were tied because we had set up joint accounts, so it was my fault. It’s up to me to bring her to justice. It’s up to us.” He picks up the poker and prods at the dying fire, sending sparks flying. “Vanessa. I can’t believe you’re fighting me about this. With all the money you have at your disposal.”

This is the moment. “Actually, I don’t have any money at my disposal.”

He laughs. “Very funny.”

“I’m dead serious, Michael. I don’t have much money. Not that I can give you.”

He stands turning the poker in his hand, the light from the fireplace reflecting shadows across his face. “You mean it’s not liquid.”

“I mean it’s not there.” I put the tea down and it splashes across my wrist, leaving a red welt. I press my lips against it, suck the pain away. “I’m house rich and cash poor. My father was near bankruptcy when he died. My trust is down to nothing. My Liebling Group stock is underwater. Everything I have is going into the upkeep of Stonehaven right now. Do you even know how much it costs to maintain an estate this size? Copyright 2016 - 2024