Pretty Little Savage (Sick Boys #1) - Lucy Smoke Page 0,135

earlier," Abel answers, tipping back his own beer and draining it before tossing the empty bottle towards a nearby black trash bag already laden down with them.

I scowl but Marcus beats me to the punch with a confused look. "You let her hang with Kincaid's cousin?"

Braxton snorts. "There's no letting that girl do anything," he says. "Dean's been trying to lay down the law with her since she arrived."

"Ahhh." Marcus shoots me a knowing look—the prick. "One of those, is she?”

"You have no idea, man." I drink the rest of my beer and toss it towards the same trash bag as earlier before stepping away. "I'm gonna go see if she's up at the house."

"And if she is?" Marcus calls after me.

"I'll drag her ass back so you can fucking meet her, asshole," I say over my shoulder. "But be warned, it might be a while."

The three of them laugh as I head up the staircase. I'm halfway up when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Fuckers, I think. They probably want me to get more beer. Well, they'll just have to wait until after I'm done with Avalon.

I wait until I get to the kitchen before I pull my cell out and double check, but it's not any of the guys. It's fucking Kate. I almost don't open it, but then I see the little paper clip attached to the text and click on it.

It's Avalon. But that's not what has me shaking in rage. It's the man that's got her pinned against the wall. I can't see her face, but even with his face in her neck—I can see exactly who he is. Luc motherfucking Kincaid. And she's with him. What the fuck is she doing with him?

My thoughts spiral. Does she know who he is? Is she fucking him? Or is this ... something more?

The rumors about Kincaid possibly transferring come to the surface of my mind, but now they seem like a much bigger threat. Could she have something to do with it?

No, it can't be, I think, but the denial is full of doubt. There'd been no obvious connection between the two even amidst the extra file we'd been given. Could that fucker be using her? To what end? Does he know what she is to us?

I look back at the text and see that Kate's left a little message below the image.

Thought you should know that your new girl isn't everything she seems.

My arms tremble with rage and before I can even comprehend what I'm doing, I turn and throw the phone as hard as I can. It slams into a mirror hanging across the room and the loud crack that echoes sounds like a gun shooting through glass. Mirror fragments rain down against the floor and as if she's been pulled from my very thoughts, Avalon steps into the room holding a set of keys that most certainly aren't hers.

"What the fuck?" She stares at me, looking from the shattered mirror to my enraged expression.

I advance on her. "Where the hell have you been?" I demand.

"What?" she blinks and unlike anyone else, she doesn't act scared as I stalk across the room.

"I said." Step. "Where." Step. "The fuck." I push her back, against the wall, right next to the broken frame of the now trashed mirror. "Have you been?" My shoes crunch against the glass and I look down, thankful that she, too, has shoes on. Then I shake my head. No. I shouldn't give a fuck if she gets cut up because that's what's happening to me right now. I feel deep slices ripping through my organs as I stare into her storm-cloud eyes.

"I was with a friend," she says, looking away. "But I got bored so I came back."

"Corina?" I clarify. I reach for the keys clutched in her fist. I know I'm about to piss her off and I don't give a shit—but I wouldn't put it past her not to try and shank me with one or all of them. At first, she holds onto them, but when I press down on a particularly sensitive nerve in her hand, she releases with a sharp inhale.

That's right, baby. I know a lot of things you don't know yet.

She lifts her head and eyes me. "Yeah."

"Was she with you the whole time or did you sneak off, Avalon?"

Her lips curve down into a deep scowl. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

She tries to shift away from me, but Copyright 2016 - 2024