Pretty Little Savage (Sick Boys #1) - Lucy Smoke Page 0,115

anyone else to watch her; she'd only sneak through their grasp as she's done repeatedly with us. I open my mouth to say just that when a small figure appears at my side—the cheerleader's back. She smiles up at me and holds up a brown bottle.

"Thought you might be thirsty," she says in a soft voice. The sides of her arms press inward, plumping her chest up. It's obvious what she's doing.

"Dean?" Abel's tone is deeper, a warning. I jerk my head up and look at his stony face. What the hell does he think I'm going to—oh. My eyes return to the girl. Yes, this could work. This is exactly what I need. As if he can read my mind, Abel's hand snaps out and he grabs my arm. "Don't."

I shake him off. "Don't worry about it," I say. "Just do me that favor and keep an eye on her this week."

I try to remember the cheerleader's name—Megan or Michelle or something like that. "No," Abel shakes his head. "I'm not watching her and if you think this won't piss her off, you're wrong."

A snarl builds in my throat. "Avalon Manning doesn't fucking control me," I growl. "Her wants or desires have nothing to do with me. She's just here so we can keep an eye on her."

"So, you two aren't dating?" Megan-Michelle asks, looking up at me hopefully.

"You two need to fuck, that's all," Abel says, ignoring her.

"I'm okay with that," the girl pipes up, misunderstanding as she presses against me more insistently. I take the beer from her and set it on the ledge of the window.

Abel bears his teeth at the girl. "Get. Fucking. Lost," he orders. Her eyes widen and she squeaks, looking from me to him before backing away, turning, and scuttling out of the room.

"Was that really necessary?" I ask blandly. I didn't want her, but I did want to use her.

Abel nods towards the side door and heads for it; I take his lead and follow. As soon as we're out of the house, away from the public eye of everyone else partying it up inside, he turns and slams me back against the building. "I tried," he snaps, getting in my face. "I tried to get you to stay the fuck away from her, but like goddamn magnets, you're attracted to one another. You brought her here. You set her up in our side of the house—right fucking across from you. Are you really going to pretend you don't want her? We all know what you did when you went to her dorm last—"

"I didn't fuck her!" I shout, pushing him back.

"That's fucking clear, asshole, or you wouldn't be acting like this." Abel sneers at me, throwing his hands up. "I'm done. I'm over this. Fuck her, get her out of your system or hell, fucking date her. I don't care at this point. It's obvious you're obsessed with her, why the hell can't you just admit it?"

"Because we don't know who she is yet!" I yell. How the fuck can he think like this? "She's a fucking enigma." I turn and storm two feet away before pivoting back and pointing at him. "Why the fuck are they so interested in her? Does she know?"

"I don't think so," he replies, cooling visibly. He runs his hands through his hair, grabbing at a good sized chunk of it and gripping tightly as he thinks. "No, she can't know. If she knew then..." Then what? That is the question. How could we tell? We haven't been around her long enough. Two months—most of it spent watching her from afar—is not enough time.

"And that's my point," I state. "You can't be sure. None of us can."

He groans. "Fuck's sake, why the hell do you have to make everything in life so goddamn difficult?" he asks. "If you want her, take her. End of story. Who the fuck cares if she knows about them? Tie her ass down, spank her until she gives you the answers you want and then fuck her into a wall. If she betrays you, we'll make her pay. Don't fucking worry about that, but man, you've got to stop with this bullshit. Brax is pretty done with it. He likes her. Hell, I like her. I respect the fuck outta her. Knowing where she came from, the shit in her file. She shouldn't be nearly as strong as she acts. If anyone deserves a good fucking time, it's that girl.”

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