Pretty Girls - Karin Slaughter Page 0,131

the hell did you get her caught up in?”

Claire knew she had to tell him something close to the truth. “Something really bad. Lydia is in danger.”

“You’re scaring me.”

“You should be scared.” She grabbed Rick’s arm. “Don’t call the police. They won’t help. Take Dee and get her out of here.”

“Dee?” He was almost yelling. “What the hell does Dee have to do with this?”

“You need to take her away.”

“You said that. Now tell me why.”

“If you want to help Lydia, then you’ll keep Dee safe. That’s all she cares about.”

He put his hand over hers so she couldn’t leave. “I know what happened between you two. You haven’t talked to each other in twenty years and now you’re suddenly worried about her daughter?”

“Lydia is my sister. Even when I hated her, I still loved her.” Claire looked down at his hand. “I have to go.”

Rick didn’t let go of her hand. “Why don’t I just hold on to you and call the police?”

“Because if you call the police, then Lydia will be dead and the person who has her will come after Dee.”

His grip loosened, but more out of shock than acquiescence. “What can I do? Just tell me what—”

“You can keep Dee safe. I know you love Lydia, and I know you want to help, but she loves her daughter. You know that’s all that matters to her.”

Claire pulled away from him. Rick didn’t make it easy. Obviously, he was torn between letting her go and shaking the truth out of her, but he loved Lydia’s daughter. Claire knew from Paul’s reports that Rick had practically raised her. He was her father, and no father would let harm come to his child.

She picked up the pace as she jogged through the back yard. She jumped over the low fence. Every step she took forward was hounded by the ones she wanted to take back to Rick. She prayed that he would listen to her and take Dee somewhere safe. But what was safe? Paul had countless resources. Congressman Johnny Jackson had even more.

Should she turn around and go back? Rick loved Lydia. He was her family—probably more so than Claire. He would help her.

And Paul would probably kill him.

Claire pulled Lydia’s phone out of her back pocket as she ran toward the car. The latest photo showed Lydia lying on her side. The picture was darker, which she hoped meant that Paul had taken it recently rather than an hour and a half ago.

The streetlights came on as Claire got behind the wheel of the Tesla. She put the gun in her purse. She didn’t need Rick Butler. The gun was the plan. She would use it to get information from Adam. She would use it to kill Paul. Claire had felt so certain when she first held the weapon under the deck steps. She couldn’t falter now that there were other, easier options. She had to go through with this. She had to confront Paul on her own. If she knew one thing about her husband, it was that he would be furious if she involved someone else.

There could be no one else inside the circle.

She started the car. She did a U-turn back onto the main road. She passed Lydia’s home. The lights had been turned on in the front rooms. She prayed to God that Rick was packing Dee’s things, that he was doing as she asked and taking Lydia’s daughter somewhere safe.

Again, she asked herself what was safe. Fred Nolan could run Rick’s credit cards. He could track the man’s phone. He could probably find him with drones or CCTV or whatever else the federal government employed to spy on persons of interest.

Claire shook her head. She couldn’t keep running off on tangents. She had to take this in steps. She had Lydia’s gun now. That was the first step. The second step was to get the USB drive from Adam. She would pull over to a payphone and call him. Sunday night. He would be at home with Sheila. Was there such a thing as a payphone anymore? Claire couldn’t risk calling Adam on Lydia’s phone. She had watched too many episodes of Homeland to know better than that. Agent Nolan or Captain Mayhew—or both—could be monitoring Adam’s phone for Claire’s call.

Blue lights flashed in her rear-view mirror. Claire instinctively slowed to get out of the cop’s way, but the cop car slowed, too, and when she signaled to get over, he signaled, Copyright 2016 - 2024