Pretending - Holly Bourne Page 0,53

or date three?’

‘It’s so cute that you’re counting.’

‘Why? Aren’t you?’

I tap my nose and he seems to find that so attractive that we have to kiss some more and even more urgently. He’s drunk and he’s horny and I know I could easily have sex with him tonight if I wanted to. Not that I want to, but I allow myself a moment of feeling powerful that I could.

I pull away, again, as my phone buzzes. ‘Hang on, I need to check this.’

Megan: I’m in a cab back to his. I’m fine. I’m fully consenting. This is a message to say I don’t think I’ll end up dead in a ditch tonight. Xxx

I’m just typing out a reply when my phone goes again.


‘What’s so funny?’ Joshua asks my neck as he kisses it.

‘Oh, just a message from my housemate. I have to go and meet her now.’ The lie falls effortlessly from my mouth. ‘I really have to go. This has been great though.’ I twist my neck out of his grasp, quickly peck him on the lips, and then pick up my handbag which I’ve let fall to the pavement.

‘Are you really going?’ His mouth is still half-open.

‘Yes I am.’

‘But date three, right?’

‘Only if you bring a mint chocolate Viennetta.’


Joshua: Hey Gretel, it was great seeing you tonight x

April: It’s like riding a bike, isn’t it? Ha ha. RIDE. Congratulations on getting laid. Do you want to get brunch tomorrow and debrief?

Gretel: Had a great time too. Night!

April: Are you dead? Has he killed you?

Megan: Not dead. Just shagging. Won’t be back till tomorrow.

Megan: Maybe Monday.

Megan: I’m FINE. He’s really nice!

April: Megan …

April: Are you relapsing? You’ve been clean for two years.


Joshua: Hey Gretel, good weekend? When is it going to rain? I’ve forgotten what rain feels like. Anyway, how about a picnic in the park this week? I’ll cook* and bring you that ice cream you wanted x

*buy stuff from M&S

Gretel: Hey, weekend good thanks. I’m pretty packed this week, but can maybe do Wed?

Gretel: PS: Assembling M&S pots of stuff defo counts as cooking.

Joshua: Wednesday it is x

Joshua: I’m looking forward to seeing you Gretel x


April: Just checking you’re still alive? It’s now Monday morning. MONDAY. Just in case you’ve forgotten.

Megan: Still alive! Back tomorrow I think.

April: You’re not falling in love with him, are you?

Megan: Maybe …

April: Megan …

Megan: IT’S FINE!


Message received: 08:02

Hey, I’ve never written into something like this before. Sorry if I’m being stupid. Sorry. I’m just a bit confused about something that happened with my boyfriend. We were having sex and then he just sort of started having anal sex with me without asking. It really hurt but I didn’t tell him to stop because I was quite confused and just sort of froze. He says he loves me. I really love him. Do you think it was an accident? Soz. I’m prob just being dramatic. Thx in advance for your reply.

From: MatthewWeAreHere

To: AprilWeAreHere

Subject: You OK?

Just saw there’s a few tricky ones in there today.

From: AprilWeAreHere

To: MatthewWeAreHere

Subject: RE: You OK?

I’m fine buddy. Don’t you worry about me. A x


Joshua: How’s work? My colleagues all said how nice you were when I came in this morning.

Gretel: Work great! The joy of Mondays. Aww, that’s nice of them. How’s the crazy world of coding going?

Joshua: Yeah, good. Every day I can pretend I’m hacking into the Matrix.

Gretel: There is no spoon.


Joshua: Still on for tomorrow? What are your thoughts on chicken and avocado sandwiches?

Gretel: Hey, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Crazy day. How did you know that chicken and avocado is my one true vice in life?

April: MEGAN COME HOME. I’ve not spoken to another human outside work for four days now.

Megan: Sorry April. I’ll be home tonight.

Megan: April, I think I love him.

April: Get home now!


Joshua: I had such a good night tonight, Gretel. Though I do think we should apologise to the pelicans for our gross PDAs x

Gretel: The pelicans loved it. We should’ve charged them.

Joshua: You free next week?

Gretel: I should be. I just need to juggle some things around.

Joshua: Wanna find some different animals to disgust with our snogging?

Gretel: Did you just use the word snogging, Joshua?

Joshua: Yes. And I’m not ashamed.

Joshua: Is that a yes then?

Gretel: Hey, sorry, fell asleep. Yes. Let’s do it next week x


April: Staying at Copyright 2016 - 2024