The President's Wife - Kathy Myme Page 0,25

own good.”

I glare. “I’m not an idiot. I know what you really mean. You’re scared that I’ll run to the press and tell them the truth.”

My accusation doesn’t seem to shake him. He simply looks thoughtful, as if considering it.

“Living here will be for your own good, Miss Waters. I can assure you that you’ll be well taken care of.”

“And if I refuse?”

I stare at him hard, trying to scrutinize his thoughts. Is David the type of man that would keep me here against my will? It’s scary, but… he certainly could. He has the power and means to get away with anything. Those are the perks of being the President.

He sighs. “Obviously we wouldn’t insist you stay against your will. This is America. You’re nothing if not free.”

I sense hesitation. “But?”

“But… I will warn you,” David says coolly. “I’ve had several operatives house-sitting in your apartment for you this morning, in case the press tries to get a little too sneaky. There are several death threats addressed to you that have been delivered this morning.”

I freeze. Death threats. As in…

“Who would want me dead?” I whisper.

David shakes his head. “You’ll find that fame comes with a heavy price. It’s hard to say why you’ve received them, but your association with me could have something to do with it.”

Right. Crazy President fangirls. Although most people are happy to settle for drooling over pictures of David Shepard in magazines and YouTube clips, I guess some people take their obsession a little bit out of hand.

“These people can be dangerous,” David continues. “Although you have the Secret Service on your side, I do think it’s better if we minimize all risk. Please stay with me.”

I bet Hailey is absolutely fuming about all this inconvenience. Having strange operatives pacing around our apartment definitely violates at least four separate clauses in her special Roommate Contract.

I don’t want to give in to the President’s demands. With the itinerary and now me moving in, it’s all too intense.

But… I also don’t want to wake up to a knife at my throat. Although most death threats are nonsense, the idea that anyone at all out there wants to kill me… it’s unsettling. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep properly in my bed knowing there’s someone who hates me quite that much.

“Fine.” My words are clipped. I don’t want to let him have too much of a victory. “Then we need to talk about the itinerary you gave me-”

We’re close now. Without realizing it, I’ve leaned across the desk closer and closer to him until there’s very little separating us.

Damn it. It’s hard to stare. This close, it’s more obvious than ever why he’s so popular. His curled dark hair and piercing blue eyes are what’s talked about in a never-ending series of online thirst comments, but up close he’s even more distracting. I can feel the heat coming off his skin, almost scaldingly warm. His lips look too soft to be real.

Slowly, I become conscious of the pit of my belly tingling alarmingly. I’m all too aware of every part of my body.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. I can’t let myself go down this road. I came into this room for a reason.

“Jackson will present you with your daily itinerary every morning. You will follow it.” His voice is commanding and unforgiving. He’s clearly not having anywhere near the kind of mental crisis I am.

“Absolutely not,” I shoot back.

“You are an intern here,” he replies. “Try thinking of it this way: this is your work. We’re still paying you.”

“I think this has gone a little far beyond what’s expected of most interns,” I say dryly. “I’ll lie for you, but you can’t control my whole life. I’m not a puppet.”

“This is non-negotiable, Miss Waters.” His face is stern. “In order for this operation to work, I need you to make your position as my fiancée believable.”

“You can’t make me-”

There’s a knock at the door.

I jump backwards, as if waking up from a haze. Nervously, I shuffle back a few steps and pull us apart.

“We will continue this conversation tonight,” David says, now suddenly not looking at me. Clearly he’s past the point of being polite. “I have some business to take care of, but following that we will discuss what needs to be discussed. Does that satisfy you?”

“I’m not finished-”

“Jackson.” David calls loudly and sure enough, my shadow comes running. “Clear Miss Waters’ afternoon and take her to her quarters. I believe she needs to rest.”

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