The President's Wife - Kathy Myme Page 0,19

with one stretched finger, as if I’m some kind of evidence on display at a trial. “Do you want rumors of inappropriate conduct to bring down this administration?”

“No. But-”

“Mr President, we don’t have a choice. We have to announce your engagement to Miss Waters.”

No. No. I’m very clearly dreaming. Whatever is going on right now can’t actually be happening.

Mr Andrews turns to me. “Miss Waters, I-”

“Engaged?” I gasp, my voice cracking. “To the President?”

“It’s absurd,” President Shepard chimes in.

“Calm down, both of you.” Mr Andrews sighs. “Obviously there would be no wedding. I’m suggesting the correct course of action would be for you both to pretend to be in a serious relationship. If only for a matter of months.”

“That’s crazy,” I tell him. “This is insane. You want me to pretend to be the President’s fiancée?”

“People will never believe it,” the President says, his brow furrowed. “How could they?”

“People will believe it,” Mr Andrews replies. “We’ll host a press conference. It’s the twenty-first century, sir. Tell people you wanted to keep your fiancée away from the press’ scrutiny will win you some points with those that care about privacy and security.”

“I have a boyfriend,” I exclaim, feeling guilty at how long it took me to remember Trevor’s existence. “I can’t just be engaged to another man-”

“You wouldn’t actually be in a relationship with the President,” Mr Andrews tells me. “As long as you swear him to secrecy, your boyfriend can know the truth. And he’d be doing a great favor to his country by letting you do this. Miss Waters, the future of this administration depends upon you. If you don’t help us now, it could mean the end for the American Alliance. Our entire party. Is that what you want?”

Somehow, I’m certain that Trevor would rather die than do a ‘great favor’ for the President. But I keep my mouth shut.

“The dress…” I say slowly, gesturing to the hideous purple fabric I’m clad in. “The reason you wanted me to wear this is…”

“ look like the President’s fiancée, not the White House’s latest intern,” Mr Andrews finishes. “Although we’ll look into getting you a higher class of wardrobe. From now on, your appearance should complement the President’s status at all times.”

The President goes quiet. He runs a hand through his curls, looking weary. As distracted as I am, I watch him with some kind of such fascination. How is it possible for somebody to have such attractive hands?

“Of course, I’ll give you money for agreeing to this,” the President informs me. “More than you’ve ever dreamed of. I’m a rich man, Miss Waters.”

I don’t miss a beat. “I don’t want your money.”

Mr Andrew’s forehead wrinkles finely. “Miss Waters… please consider this offer. This administration depends on your co-operation.”

“I don’t want your money,” I repeat. “None of it.” If I’m going to do this, I’m going to do this because I believe it’s the right thing to do.

When he speaks again, he isn’t talking to Mr Andrews. President Shepard is looking directly at me.

“This will ruin your life,” he says, his voice more soft and gentle than I’ve ever heard it. Months of hearing him shout in campaign speeches and then press conferences haven’t prepared me for this. “Miss Waters, if you choose to do this… nothing will ever be the same.”

Mr Andrews hesitates. “Don’t scare her, sir-”

“No. She needs to hear this.” He leans closer to me, with his eyes fixed to mine like my thoughts are the most important thing in the world right now. Admittedly, maybe they are. “The press will never leave you alone. Not for the rest of your life. If you choose to help us, it’s going to cost you everything. Even once we call off our relationship, you’ll never lead a normal life again.”

The world seems to freeze around me at the weight of his words. Both men are looking at me expectantly, waiting on my response.

Can I really do it? Can I leave everything behind and do something as insane as pretending to be the President’s fiancée? Would anyone even believe it?

What would my dad think? Oh god, what would Trevor think?

If I say no, will I regret it? Mr Andrews isn’t wrong about the other political parties. It’s clear that the Republicans and Democrats are just waiting in the wings. Waiting for cracks to show in Shepard’s administration. Can I really live with myself if I’m the one to bring it all crashing to the ground?

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