Precious - Roe Horvat Page 0,57

the thought of leaving Travis threatened to flood Micah with unimaginable pain. Was that fear of facing the world alone? Or was it love? How was he supposed to know when he felt like half a person? His mind was numb, his body raw, and his heart hollow.

“I’ll stay.”

“Do you want me to get the guest apartment ready for you?”

No. I want to be with you. But he couldn’t. To his horror, tears filled his eyes again. He blinked them away furiously.

“Yes,” he forced out.

Travis’s mouth tightened for a moment, but then he smiled. He dropped his gaze back to his laptop, looking around the screen as if trying to remember what he’d been about to do before.

Micah turned, wiped his face, and chopped the leek. He needed to focus on the things he could control, or he’d go mad. My task list. He grabbed on to the practical thought and held it, a lifeline in the storm of overwhelming emotions. His eyes on the pile of vegetables, he took a deep breath.

“I need to talk to my father. Have him deliver my things.”

“I’m here if you need me,” Travis said quietly from behind him.

“Thank you.”

Micah took his phone and walked out of the kitchen. His father would be difficult. He’d always known exactly what to say to humiliate Micah and make him feel weak. Micah didn’t want Travis to witness the conversation he was about to have. In the living room, his gaze landed on the patio door. His heart beat faster, and his stomach clenched in nervous anticipation. The vast outdoors beckoned to him; he needed air for this. A broader perspective.

He’d deleted all notifications and messages he’d gotten during the ten days his phone had been off. They had been sent to a different person. The screen was blank. A chance for a fresh start.

Standing on the patio, staring over the mountains, Micah dialed his father.

“Micah! Good to hear from you!”

Frowning, Micah held the phone farther away from his ear. The loud greeting sounded enthusiastic. His father had never been enthusiastic about anything in relation to Micah.

“Hello, Father. I’m calling to ask for a small favor.”

“Sure. Are you still with Mr. Whitehall?” Are you okay? How do you feel? I’ve been worried. How horrible my closest friend tried to hurt you in the worst possible way. The possibilities of what Micah’s father could have said were endless. Instead, he asked about the alpha. Of course. Micah clutched the railing and took a few calming breaths. A bird circled in the sky above the valley. An eagle? Oh, to have that kind of freedom.

“I’ll be staying with Travis. I wanted to ask you to send me some of my things.”

“Just email me what you want, and I’ll have Clive pack it for you.”

Micah only swallowed. He’d been readying for a fight. He wanted a fight. He wanted an opportunity to stand up for himself. His father’s easy agreement left him feeling numb. He really was expendable, wasn’t he?

“Micah, you should have told me you were dating Travis Whitehall. I would have made Peter stay away from you.”

The reason for Charles Lipsky’s amiable leniency toward his omega son was that simple: dating Travis Whitehall. Micah felt vaguely nauseous.

“Peter broke in here and attacked us. With a gun.”

“I know. He made a terrible mistake. He called and asked me to assist him legally. I want you and Mr. Whitehall to know that I refused. What Peter did was exceptionally foolish.”

Foolish. He’d attempted to rape Micah, threatened to kill his lover, and Micah’s father called his behavior foolish. A terrible mistake. And how many lives had Peter ruined in the past while Micah’s father had done nothing to stop him?

“I wasn’t dating Travis—that wasn’t why I left. I had never met him before. The thought of spending my first heat with Peter made me physically sick. After you invited him to rape me, I ran away. Travis found me lying unconscious by Shatter River.” Micah spoke with perfect calm, laying out the facts one by one. He didn’t think his speech would affect his father, but he wanted him to know nonetheless.

Charles Lipsky was quiet for a moment.

“Don’t be dramatic, Micah. I’ve always had your best interests in mind. You lucked out in the end. Whitehall is a great match for you.”

“You mean a great match for you?”

“If he’s letting you stay after the heat, it means he likes you. I strongly advise you to keep your temper in check, especially Copyright 2016 - 2024