Precious Gems - Sierra Hill Page 0,39

for the loss of something I cherished. I sit down on the commode and softly cry, confused over the sudden emotion sweeping through me.

I finish using the toilet and wash my hands under a warm stream of water, eying the big bathtub in the corner of the bathroom. I grab a towel and stand at the edge of the platform bath, ready to bend over to turn on the hot water when a knock sounds at the door.

Faron opens it a crack. “Gem, can I come in? I should’ve asked if you were alright.”

“Yes, of course.” I sniff, trying to rein in my emotions.

He steps up behind me, turning me to face him, scanning over my face that I’m sure is red and puffy from tears.

“Hey, are you crying?”

I wave a hand in the air. “It’s nothing. I’m just being a stupid girl.”

“Come here,” he shakes his head, fingers lacing through my hair. “You’re not at all. Until I saw the blood stains, I was so completely lost in you that I forgot. I’m not used to being tender with my lovers. I haven’t taken someone’s virginity since…”

He chuckles to himself. “Well, it’s been a good fifteen years. And I sure as hell didn’t handle it well back then. So maybe this is a chance to redeem myself.”

Faron kisses my cheeks, each kiss wiping away the tears left behind.

“Thank you,” I sigh.

“Let me draw you a bath. Let me take care of you, Gemma.”

Chapter 20

No one has ever taken care of me like this. The gentle caresses and the sweet words he says as he turns the faucet on, filling the tub with hot water, steam creating a warm cocoon of silence around us.

Faron sits on the edge of the tub, his hands on the zipper of my dress, as he slowly undresses me, unfolding the material over my curves and down to the floor. I cross my arms over my breasts, feeling oddly insecure standing naked in front of him in the bright florescent light.

His caress is so gentle, like a feather fluttering over my skin, just a hint of touch.

“Don’t be shy. Let me see how beautiful you are.”

He clasps my wrists and unfolds my arms, the warmth in his eyes drinking me in, worshipping me in his gaze, as he swings my legs up into his arms and places me carefully and with ease into the awaiting tub.

I sigh, moaning into the luxurious heat seeping into my sore and aching muscles.

“Are you joining me?” I offer in invitation, scooting into the middle of the large oval-shaped tub, drawing my knees up to my chin.

“There’s nothing I’d like more.”

Faron climbs in behind me, settling me against his chest, his fingers lightly stroking down the curve of my neck and arms. The feeling is incomparable, and it fills me with a warm contentment that unlocks something inside my heart.

I dismiss the thought quickly with a mental shake of my head. Even if I love him, I can’t stay here with Faron. I’ve been working on my freedom, and now that my father is gone, and with Johnno still in jail, I’m free to leave. I’ve done what was expected of me, and now I have to go.

I can’t be caught up in a love affair with a man like Faron. He’s too worldly. Too dominating. Too powerful.

But you like that.

The deep rasp of his voice interrupts my internal dialogue.

“What’s going on in this pretty head of yours?”

I bite my lip, still puffy and swollen from his kisses, and debate whether I should open up.

“I was just wondering what happens now? I don’t know what I’ll do from here. All I’ve ever known is life with my father.”

A strand of hair falls into my eye and I try to bat it away, but Faron tucks it behind my ear, kissing it in place.

“I suppose you first need to get his house in order. Did he have a will in place?”

I lift a shoulder and give a harsh snort. “Doubtful. And if he did, everything would likely be left to my incarcerated asshole of a brother.”

Shifting to the right, I turn my head to the side to look at him. “I don’t have the same type of relationship with Johno that you have with your brothers. My brother despises me and would much rather see me dead then ever treat me like a sister should be.”

My memories of my childhood are nothing short of miserable. I can’t think of a time Copyright 2016 - 2024