Precious Gems - Sierra Hill Page 0,32

brothers that I can turn this thing around and become a valuable asset by proving my worth. I’ll successfully fulfill my end of the bargain by stealing from Casper what they want, eliminating my virginity as the only bargaining chip for my freedom.

And then I’m free to give it to whomever I choose.

Chapter 17

The party is a lavish scene, with beautiful people all speaking in foreign languages that I don’t understand, as they eat, drink and revel in the most luxurious residence I’ve ever seen before. They certainly don’t have this sort of antique opulence where I live. The Soprano’s house in Jersey’s got nothing on this medieval castle.

As the four of us enter into the home, we’re patted down and scanned at the door by security. I can feel beads of sweat roll down my back, while one look at Faron shows that this doesn’t faze him one iota.

Roman and West head off to the bar to get drinks as Faron and I casually mingle and work the room. Once I’ve located the mark, the plan is to create a diversion so I can extract what’s needed to complete the plan.

In essence, I’m using not only my pick-pocketing skills to pull this off, but also my feminine wiles.

We make our way through the crowded interior, expensive paintings lining the walls and imported champagne flowing, Faron quietly pointing out my mark for the night. Casper Foquette, which he pronounces with a French roll of the tongue, fokay, is an importer of high-quality merchandise. Although Faron was elusive in describing the product that we would be stealing from him.

My job is to get close to Casper in any manner that I deem fit, which by my estimation will require some flirting, drinking and playing the drunk bombshell. All the while isolating a key card that will be used by the brothers to break into a locked room.

Roman returns from the bar with two drinks, handing them to the both of us as his eyes make contact with mine.

“You got this Gemma?” He seems apprehensive and clearly worried about my capabilities.

Proving myself is essential right now. I need them to believe in me.

I take a sip of champagne, the bubbly essence tickling my tongue and throat as the sweetness floods my mouth with flavor. I step into Roman’s space, and his brows skyrocket with surprise, flicking to Faron with question. I lift to my tiptoes, pushing my breasts into his chest, his body ram-rod stiff with tension. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I seductively slide my hand down his spine and lower back and brush my lips to his ear.

“I’ve got this, Rome. Everything will go as planned on my end. Your end is another story.”

I emphasize this with a playful squeeze of his ass cheek, as he jolts from the unexpected physical contact.

After what I saw the other night at the club, and seeing how effortlessly gorgeous and charming Roman is, I have no doubt that he is on the receiving end of female attention all the time. But it does wonders for my confidence to see a flush run over his neck and his breathing accelerated and stuttered as I step back next to Faron.

With a smug grin curving at my lips, I turn to Faron and hand him Roman’s phone that I just swiped out of Roman’s pocket, lifting my eyebrows in challenge while taking another sip of my champagne. Laughter erupts from Faron’s chest as Roman blindly feels around his pants, disbelief registering in his expression, as if he can’t believe he was just hoodwinked by me.

Faron hands the phone back to Rome, shaking his head in laughter at his brother. “I believe this is yours, Doubting Thomas.”

Turning to me, he brushes his lips over mine and before I can get lost in the kiss, he pulls back, raising his glass in a toast. The glasses clink and sparkle, the sound signifying a brilliant night ahead.

“Drink up, Gem. We’ve got work to do. The sooner we conduct business, the sooner you and I can get down to our business.”

Roman rolls his eyes, tipping back the glass and finishing his drink in one large gulp. When his gaze returns to me, there’s a streak of envy, but it disappears just as soon as he wishes me bon chance and then turns to return to the bar. We watch him return next to West, who is chatting with a tall, model-thin woman, and I wonder if one or both Copyright 2016 - 2024