Precious Gems - Sierra Hill Page 0,19

and my posture straight.

“There should be no sadness for you. You shall be the most beautiful woman there. I will make sure of that.”

I roll my eyes and laugh, but give her a smile, nonetheless. “Good luck with that.”

She laughs a dainty, wispy sound. “Nonsense. Vous êtes très belle.”

I don’t respond but shake my head, as she begins the prep work to get me beautified. This is the first time I’ve ever had my make-up done and been made to look “pretty.” Having always worked hard to downplay any of my feminine features and looks to avoid male attention, it’s only now that I have a desire to seek the spotlight from one dark and mysterious man.

Serene continues to work her magic with all the highlighters, brushes, tubes of gloss and powder, and while she does, I sit taller and stare in wonder at the transformation.

“Where in the world did you learn to do this?” I ask in awe, rolling my head side-to-side to seek a different angle.

“I was a model in my teens. Moved from my home country to Paris after my family was killed. But the profession wasn’t something I could sustain. And then I met Rome…”

I wait for her to say more, but she busies herself by selecting a sleek black, strappy dress for me, that I slip on and then gush over her genius.

“Wow…just, wow. You do amazing work.”

She waves an elegant hand in the air, repacking all the paraphernalia she brought with her.

“Nonsense, darling. When you begin with the perfect canvas, it is simply enhancing the beauty.”

I stare at myself in the mirror, running my hands over the sleek lines of the dress, hugging my curves and showing off so much leg it makes me blush.

I’m not the girl that arrived here two days ago.

I’m 100 percent a different woman, ready to prove myself to the world.

But mostly to Faron.

Because the woman standing in the mirror is seductive.



And she’s determined to finish what she came for.

Faron didn’t return home as he said, and instead I’m whisked away by a car and then ushered into a building with Hulk leading the way, his thick legs eating up the space in the long corridor as I struggle to keep up.

It’s a hard thing to do when I’ve had no practice walking in high heels. I’m clumsy and awkward, growing more irritated by the minute.

“Can you please slow down?” I ask in a breathy voice because I’m nearly winded by the speed in which he’s walking.

He doesn’t stop or slow down as requested. “No. We have three minutes.”

“Three minutes for what?”

He simply grunts and turns a corner, which I obediently do as well. We near a doorway that has two men standing on either side, their dark suits fit nicely over broad shoulders, arms hanging down, crossed in a very militant pose in front of their groins. They appear to be well-dressed bouncers.

I glance at them both as Hulk nods in greeting and unlocks a door with a card. Neither says anything, nor do they move, their arrow-straight backs positioned against the walls in a sentry-like fashion.

The door opens to a bright light ahead, music and hushed voices, and beautiful women dancing on platforms stages centered throughout the room.

It takes a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the darkness as I try to keep up to Hulk like a puppy on a leash. But I get distracted by the women dancing on the platforms.

I think we may be at the same club I was in the first day I arrived, but if it is, it’s definitely a different section. From the looks of the men sitting around the room at small cocktail tables, dressed in fine suits, along with the clearly guarded doors, I can only assume this is not open to the general public.

My feet have stopped moving as I watch one woman on one of the stages bend over, presenting her ass and backside as a man takes some sort of whip and hits her with it. I rear back in surprise, my eyes flitting between the two, as he reaches out and rubs a hand over the red mark he just left. Then he grabs her thighs, shoves his head between them and begins licking her pussy as she grinds in his face.

“What the -” I mumble in shock before a strong hand clamps down on my wrist and jerks me forward.

Hulk impatiently pulls me along as I stumble behind him, my gaze Copyright 2016 - 2024