Preacher's Daughter - Flora Ferrari Page 0,48

love of being grounded with my one true love.

With our babies, who won’t be babies for long.

“You feeling okay, honey?” I ask her, pressing my palm to her head and taking some instant husband diagnostics of my own.

Internally doing the math. Realizing she could be-

“I’m not pregnant, Noah,” she growls. “And don’t change the subject. I don’t want you flying this weekend, not because I don’t want you to, but because of the weather coming in. You know that…” she reminds me.

She’s right.

She’s always right.

“Or is it because your Dad’s coming to stay for a month?” I ask her, sensing maybe the issue runs deeper than the pair of us and our own family.

Poking her tongue out she makes a face and passes me Zak so I can lay him in his crib next to his sister’s.

These two, they could sleep through an earthquake.

And they both have, too.

“Do you think we’ve been up here too long?” I ask her, remembering the caution we had from the locals and her father about moving into the highlands so soon, practically self-sufficient.

“No,” Faith chimes automatically. “I just think I love you too much to even bear the thought of anything happening to you or my Dad,” she admits.

The kids are settled, and Faith’s arms around my middle. It’s my favorite part of the day.

Nothing but us and the tranquil sounds of our babies asleep.

“How ‘bout I rub your back?” I suggest, feeling her fingers curl over mine as I lead her to our bedroom, right next to the twins.

“How ‘bout you rub my front?” she asks, defiantly.

And I’m only happy to oblige.

Hearing her moan as she pulls me down onto our bed, yanking her own bathrobe to one side so I have full access, it feels like the first night I had her under me.

The first night I even tasted her on my lips.

“How will you cope?” I ask her, gasping and grunting, setting to work as I ease her legs wide open, hearing her sigh as I plant my face between her sweet, creamy thighs.

“Cope with… uh..! What?” she gasps.

“Your Dad being here for a whole month?” I ask, forgetting the question entirely as I feel her warmth running freely over my tongue.

We don’t discuss this any further, not until she’s shuddered hard against my tongue first, and my hard cock second.

The only way I ever send my wife to sleep after we’ve put the twins down for the evening.

Holding her close, later on, she asks me if I mind.

“Mind what?” I murmur, kissing her neck, craning my neck as I check to shear if it’s Zak or Zoe shifting in their sleep.

“About you not going to collect my Dad… flying,” she says finally.

I breathe heavily against her neck, moving my hands over her under the covers and letting my renewed hardness press up against the small of her back.

“Does this feel like I mind?” I ask her.

Of course, I don’t.

“Just stay here with me, Noah Templeton,” My wife orders me, pressing herself back up against me and making us both sigh with contentment.

An order I can’t resist, and one I’m glad I haven’t backed away from since the day we met.

“I love you, Faith,” I remind her, hearing her purr.

“And it’s exactly why I need you here with me, soldier,” she reminds me and I feel suddenly at full attention again, ready to prove her point all over again.

Extended Epilogue

Ten Years Later


“Alex! Peter! Just what the heck do you think you’re doing? Zak and Zoe, y’all should know better!”

I’m trying to stay mad, but hearing their Dad thumping up the hall behind me, out onto the patio, I just can’t help but smile and eventually laugh as I feel his arms around my waist.

“They’ve got too much of their mother in ‘em, that’s the problem!” he reminds me, gnawing at my neck before picking me up, making me squeal, and hurling me ass first into the pool, followed closely by his own huge frame doing a cannonball which seems to drain half the pool in a moment.

The kids, all four of them have been dare-devilling, building a fort in the trees above the pool and diving straight out from it into the deepest end.

“It’s harmless enough,” Noah says, trying to defend them. “The creek’s frozen half the year and you know how they love their summer fun… I thought the heated pool was gonna curb their behavior. But maybe not?” he admits.

I puff my cheeks, watching our eldest, Zoe. She’s shivering Copyright 2016 - 2024