Preacher's Daughter - Flora Ferrari Page 0,23

something back that way.

“No!” she almost shouts. “No I don’t, just keep driving. Step on it!” she exclaims, and I laugh. Still not sure if she’s kidding around or deadly serious.

She loosens her belt, sliding over to the middle of the bench seat, and straps herself in right next to me, gripping my arm like her life depends upon it.

“Let’s just keep driving, huh?” she says again, and looking at the fear in her eyes in the rearview, I’m starting to wonder if maybe Faith Holding has some secrets of her own.

Secrets she doesn’t want the law to know about.

I tell myself that’s silly, I spoke to her old man myself. It’s not like she’s done away with him, or anyone else. She’s probably just shy of the cops, lots of people are.

Putting it to the back of my mind, I hook my arm around her, enjoying her so close, and settle into the long straight road ahead of us.

Thinking about Faith and her Dad, the only family she has, as far as I know, I get to wondering.

“What about you, Faith? You want a family someday?” I ask, really thinking out loud more than meaning to ask her.

Maybe it’s putting the cart before the horse, but I really do wanna know if Faith wants a family as much as I want to put one inside her.

She’s made for it, both making and carrying babies. I can just tell. And I know a family of my own is something I’ve always wanted, never having had one myself I figure I won’t have any bad habits to project onto our kids.

There I go, I’ve already decided.

Faith makes a sleepy sound, stretching herself out a little from her curled up position next to me.

“I think it would all depend on who the father was,” she says thoughtfully, and I give out a little yelp as she pinches my side.

“I mean it though, Faith,” I tell her seriously. “Is it something that’s important to you or not?”

“Truth?” she asks me, and I can see her wide eyes looking up at me in the mirror.

I nod my head, wondering if it really is too much too soon for her to deal with, on top of everything else.

“I hadn’t really thought about it until you asked, but if I could be a mom… the mom I never had...”

She trails off, her eyes moving away and looking out the window.

“I shouldn’t have brought it up, I’m sorry Faith,” I tell her, feeling rotten for thinking of myself before her own feelings.

“It’s alright,” she assures me, squeezing my arm. “My mom left before I was old enough to even remember, Dad tells me she couldn’t commit to the life of a Preacher’s wife. Having me was Dad’s motivation to be a man of God, even though the marriage didn’t work.”

“You don’t want to be a preacher do you?” she asks me, looking quite serious.

“No, no I don’t think I do,” I tell her without having to think about it.

“Then that’s settled then,” she says, smiling and pecking my cheek. Leaving the whole question answered without us having to say another word.

I could press her, just to find out how soon she might want to explore having a family, but I decide it’s best to leave it for now.

We have to make babies before she can actually have them, Noah.

As we drive, her hand moves from my arm to my leg, until finally, she’s stroking me through my jeans, purring as I try to focus on the road.

I think she’s just double answered the whole baby making question.

Checking the signs as we drive, and hoping she doesn’t start stroking me too fast, I calculate the time needed to get over the state line and then to our next major city.

I decide on the spot that a roadside motel won’t do. Not for our first time, to claim her as my own it has to be nothing but the best.

I feel my foot getting heavy and the truck humming to life as we pick up just enough speed to make a difference without attracting attention.

Faith eventually contents herself to grip me through my jeans and in a short while, she falls asleep, murmuring my name occasionally and moaning, shifting in her seat.

Driving me fucking crazy but also giving me a taste of what’s ahead for both of us.

We cross the state line, and although nothing feels changed, I do notice a sensation of being freer with Faith now.

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