Powers - Ursula k . Le Guin Page 0,51

but rebellion against what must be—refusal of truth. Young men like to play with rebellion, to play at disbelief. I know that. But you'll tire of that sick folly as you grow older, and come back to belief, the one foundation of the moral law."

It was a relief to hear the old certainties again. And he hadn't told me to stop reading Caspro. I did not read often in the Cosmologies, for it was difficult and seemed remote and strange to me; but sometimes lines from it or from Denios would come into my mind, unfolding their meaning or their beauty, as a beech leaf unfurls in spring.

I thought of one of those lines when I stood with all the household to watch Astano, wearing robes of white and silver, cross the great atrium to meet and welcome her husband-to-be: She is a ship on a flowing of bright waters...

Everra made his speech, bristling with classical quotations, so that everyone could be impressed by the learning of the House of Arca. The Mother of the House of Arca said the words that gave her daughter to the House of Tarc. The Mother of that House came forward to receive our Astano as the future Mother of Tarcmand. Then my little pupils sang a wedding song Sotur had rehearsed with them for weeks. And so it was done. Lyre players and drummers in the gallery tuned up, and the wellborn went to the great rooms to feast and dance. We house people had a feast too, and our own music and dancing in the back courtyard. It was cold and a little rainy, but we were ready to dance—and always ready to feast again.

Betrothed in winter, Astano was married on the day of the spring equinox. A month later Yaven was called back to his regiment.

Etra was mounting an invasion of Casicar. Votus, which had been part of the alliance with Morva against us, had come over to our side, fearing the power of Casicar and seeing a chance to cripple it while it was weakened by defeat. Etrans and Votusans together would invade and take or besiege the city of Casicar—a great city, sometimes our enemy, sometimes our ally. Again and again, back and forth, Sotur had said.

I saw Sallo the day Yaven left. She had been allowed to go down to the River Gate to see him and his troops march out to war amid the wild cheering of the people. She was not tearful. She had the same certain hope she had had for him all through the siege. "I think Luck listens to him," she said, with a smile, but seriously. "In battle, I mean. In war. Not here."

"Not here? What do you mean, Sal?"

We were in the library alone and could talk freely. Yet she hesitated for a long time. Finally she looked up at me and seeing I really had no idea what she meant, she said, "The Father was glad to see him go."

I protested.

"No, listen, truly, Gav!" She spoke very low, sitting close to me. "The Father hates Yaven-dí. He does! He's jealous. Yaven will inherit Altan Arca's power. His House. His seat in the Senate. And he's beautiful, and tall, and kind, like his mother—he's a Galleco, not an Arca. His father can't bear to look at him, he's so jealous of him. I've seen it! A hundred times!—Why do you think it's Yaven, the elder son, the heir, who gets sent off again to war? While the younger son, who should be the soldier, who's had all the fancy training to be a soldier, stays safe at home? With his bodyguard! The cowardly, pompous little adder!"

I had never in my life heard my good-natured, tender-hearted sister speak with such hatred. I was appalled, wordless.

"Torm will be groomed for the Senate, you'll see," she said. "Altan Arca hopes Yaven will be—will be killed—" Her soft, passionate voice broke on that word, and she gripped my hand hard. "He hopes it," she repeated, in a whisper.

I wanted to refuse and refute everything she said, but still no words came to me.

Sotur came into the library. She stopped, seeing us, as if to withdraw. Sallo looked up at her and said in a plaintive whisper, "Oh, Sotur-ío!"—and Sotur came to her and took her in her arms, a thing I had never seen that reticent, shy, proud girl do with anyone. The two clung to each other as if trying to reassure each other

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