Powers - Ursula k . Le Guin Page 0,11

his sister with the healer Remen, because Miv was dizzy and kept falling asleep. The Mother had been told, and would come see to the child. That was reassuring. Old Remen was only a slave mender, whose cure for everything was comfrey ointment and catnip tea, but the Mother was a renowned and experienced healer. "Arca looks after her own, even the littlest," Everra said with grave gratitude. "As you leave today, go by the Ancestors and give them worship. Ask them to bless all the children of the House, all its children, and its kind Mother."

We all obeyed him. Only Sotur could go in among the Ancestors, whose names and carven images crowded the walls of the great, dim, domed room. We house people knelt in the anteroom. Sallo held her little Ennu-Mé in her closed hand and murmured, "Ennu bless us and be blessed, please make Miv all right. I follow you, Ennu-Mé, dear guide." I made the reverence and knelt to my chosen Ancestor, Altan Bodo Arca, Father of the House a hundred years ago, whose portrait, carved in relief on stone and painted, could be seen from where we knelt. He had a wonderful face, like a kindly hawk, and his eyes looked straight at me. I had decided as a very small child that he was my special protector, also that he knew what I was thinking. I didn't have to tell him that I was frightened of both Torm and Hoby right now. He knew. "Great Shadow, Forefather, Grandfather Altan-dí, let me get away from them," I asked him silently, "or make them not so angry. Thank you." After a while I added, "And please make me braver."

That was a good thought. I would need courage that day.

Sallo and I did the sweeping together and kept together while she did her spinning and I wrote out our geometry lesson. We didn't see Hoby around at the pantry or in the house. Evening came, and I thought I'd escaped and was wondering if I should go thank the Ancestor, when as I came back from the privies to the women's court I heard Hoby's voice behind me, "There he is!" I ran, but he and the big fellows with him caught me at once. I kicked and yelled and fought, but I was a rabbit among the hounds.

They took me to the well behind the barrack, pulled out the bucket, and took turns stuffing me into the well head down, holding my legs and pushing my body down till my head was under water and I was choking and breathing water, then pulling me up just far enough to recover.

Whenever they brought me back up into the air, strangling and writhing and vomiting, Hoby would lean over me and say in a queer flat voice, "That's for betraying your master, you little traitor. For sucking up to that foul old teacher, you swamp rat. See how you like getting wet, swamp rat." And they would cram me down into the well again, and no matter how I tried to brace my arms against the stones and hold my head away from the water they would push me down and down till the water flooded into my nostrils and I gasped and choked, drowning. I don't know how many times they did it till I lost consciousness, but I must have gone limp at last, and that scared them into thinking I was dead.

It's a capital offense for anyone but his master to kill a slave. They ran off and left me lying there by the well-head.

It was old Remen the slave mender who found me, coming to the back well, which he always said had purer water than the fountains. "Fell over him in the dark," he would say, telling the story afterwards. "Thought he was a dead cat! No, too big for a cat. Who's been drowning a dog in the well? No, it's not a drowned dog, it's a drowned boy! By Luck! Who's been drowning boys here?"

That was not a question I ever answered.

I suppose the boys thought their torture would not leave visible injuries, so my claims against them could be denied for lack of evidence; but in fact my arms and hands and head were lacerated and swollen with bruises I got in my struggles down in the narrow well, and even my ankles were black and blue from their merciless hands. Tough-bodied and hardy boys, they probably had no

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