Powerful (The Driven World) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,68

long this is going to go on. Kris wouldn’t want that.”

Mr. Livingston looks pained and torn which means he wants to leave but feels guilty about leaving his son. I can’t, no, I won’t leave Kris.

“Mom, I’m not going anywhere. I can write in the hospital. Mr. Livingston, what do you want to do?”

The older man looks at my mom then back at me. “I’m staying, Betty. I know you mean well, but he’s my only son. I only just got him back. But you’re right, I can’t spend all day every day in that waiting room.” He puffs out his cheeks. “I’ll do better. I’ll sit with him and read to him like Athena does.”

“You know I read to him?”

He nods. “I do look in from time to time. I’m just having a hard time opening the damn door. Maybe you could help me with that?”

This is the most Mr. Livingston has spoken to me in five weeks. Mom smiles, perhaps this was her plan all along? The waitress puts three chowders down in front of each of us.

“Enjoy.” Slowly, she backs away from the table. I’m thinking we look crazy to her.

“I’ll make sure there are two chairs in there from now on. Sometimes the orderlies take them out.”

Mr. Livingston nods at me, and we smile at each other.

“Eat,” orders Mom.

It does taste good, but it’s nowhere near as good as TB’s. When we are done, I look at my mother. Like me, she has dark circles under her eyes and might be a little thinner. She catches me looking at her and smiles.

“Is the food okay?”

“Yeah, Mom. It’s good.”


Six weeks.

We take turns in the hospital now. Mom flew home and comes back on the weekends, sometimes TB or Ashlea come too. My new normal is to get up, eat breakfast with Mr. Livingston, and drive him to the hospital. Then, if it’s not my day to spend with him, I simply go up with his dad, kiss Kris, and go back to the hotel and try to write. If it’s my day to be with Kris, I still have breakfast with Mr. Livingston, but he stays at the hotel. Many of his friends from Boothbay have come to stay and keep him occupied. I was always a recluse, so I’m grateful for the alone time, even if I prefer to be alone with Kris.

Today is my day with Kris. I’m reading him book five in my series about a family, a group of brothers. This one is about Jamie MacKenny, he’s a farmer with a secret. I’ve gotten to know the staff at the hospital fairly well. Kris’ situation is unchanged except that they’ve moved him to a different floor in the hospital.

“Hey, Athena, what book are you reading him today?” asks Nurse Sue.

“Spark of Time, it’s book five.”

“Lord, you can read quickly! Takes me forever to read a book. How many have you read him now?”

I smile and shrug. “A few.” I ask this same question to whoever is on shift, and each time, I hope they’ll give me a different answer. “Any change?”

Sue shakes her head. “I’m afraid not.” She reaches out and touches my arm. “You have a good visit. The doctor will be along soon.”

Trudging into his room, I do what I always do and kiss his forehead. “Good morning, lover. You ready for book five?”

There’s a knock at his door and Gabby, his P.A., is there.

“Oh, look, Kris, it’s Gabby.”

Gabby frowns and walks into the room. “Hey, Athena.” She glances at Kris. “Could we talk?”

“Sure, pull up a seat.”

Gabby shakes her head. “If it’s all right, I’d like to talk downstairs in the cafeteria?”

I kiss Kris again and leave the book on a table that’s near the window. “Sure.”

Gabby rubs her arms the whole way down on the elevator ride, and when we get to the dining area, she sits without getting a drink or food.

“I’m going to get some tea, do you want anything?”


“Right, you LA people practically have it running through your veins.”

Gabby nods and gives me a tight smile. Going up to the counter, I get the drinks and make small talk with Lucy on the register, then head back to Gabby.

“No sugar, right?”

Gabby nods and takes a sip of the hot liquid, then wraps both her hands around it and stares at the cup.

Sitting opposite her, I take a sip of my peppermint tea and say, “You’re leaving.”

Gabby’s eyes meet mine, and she opens them wide in surprise.

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