Powerful (The Driven World) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,36

to his heartbeat.

“Babe, are you asleep?” whispers Kris.

“No,” I whisper back.

“Can I stay?”

I go up on elbows and look down at him. “Will you make me a tea in the morning?”

Kris grins. “I can do that.”

“You can stay.”

Leaning down, I kiss his lips and move to the side, sliding off him. Kris groans, but he has a satisfied smile on his face.

“The bathroom is straight across the hall.”

“You want me to shower first?”

“If you want.”

Kris smiles and sits up. “Your wish is my command.”

It’s not until he’s fully standing that I realize he’s wearing a condom.

“Ahh, that’s where you went.”

He looks down and nods. “I wasn’t sure if you were on the pill and better to be safe than sorry, right?”

“I’m glad one of us was thinking.”

Kris pads out of the room, and I hear the shower start. Putting on a robe, I go out to the kitchen and pick up the food that spilled onto the floor, thankfully none of it escaped the containers it was in, so no clean up. He has enough food here for more than four people, so I pick chicken satay sticks, yellow chicken curry, a pad thai noodles, and some rice and divide it on to two plates and put one of them in the microwave.

Kris comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. “Whatcha doing?”

“I’m hungry.”

“I’m not enough for you?”

I giggle. “You are more than enough.”

“Go shower. I’ll finish up here. You want the rest in the fridge?”

“Yeah.” I twist in his arms and kiss him.

Kris deepens the kiss and walks me backward until I hit the kitchen cabinets.

“Woman, do you know what you do to me?”

“I think I’m starting to.”

“Run before I take you again.”

Kris kisses my forehead and lets me go. I wander back down the hallway and into the bathroom. Catching my reflection in the mirror, I smile. It’s been too long since I’ve had sex. While I stare at myself, I try to recall the last time. It was with Kris in an old shack on the beach that we used to sneak out to. I take off the robe, and my eyes instantly go to the skin on my ribcage. Immediately, I avert my gaze and shake my head.

Not tonight.

I will not let those memories tarnish tonight.

Sucking in a deep breath, I turn on the shower. Stepping under the warm spray, I let the water wash those memories away, leaving me in the present and feeling sated.

Chapter Fifteen


Athena is curled into my side while I trace circles on her back. Her body responds to me like no other woman ever has. It’s like she was made just for me, or maybe it’s because I’ve loved her since we were kids. Todd’s words come back to haunt me. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to get her to open up to me. I know I have to before some asshole in the press breaks the story.

It’s early hours of the morning, the sun only just beginning to break through the darkness.

“What’s up?”

I look down at Athena, who’s looking up at me.

“You snore.”

I’m grinning at her, and she lets out a yelp and slaps my chest.

“I do not!”

“Yeah, you do. You sound like a freight train.”

Athena shakes her head, “Nuh-uh.”

“Oh yeah, and don’t get me started on the drool.”

“Kris!” shrieks Athena.

Laughing, I hold up my hands. “I’m kidding… mostly.”

Athena smiles. “You promised me tea.”

“Woman, the sun is barely up, and you want a tea?” She nods. “Okay, baby. How do you have it?”

“I want peppermint tea and just hot water.”

Sitting up, I place my feet on the floor and stand. My cock is awake and up. Athena crawls across the bed, grabs it, and puts it in her soft, warm mouth. She swirls her tongue over the tip, teasing the nerves there. I gasp at this unexpected pleasure. Needing to see her face as she blows me, I twist her hair into a ponytail and hold it with my fist. My other hand cups her face as I move in and out of her mouth. Athena begins to hum, and the sensation causes my balls to tingle. She reaches up and pushes me away. I still have hold of her hair. Athena repositions herself, so she’s sitting on the edge of the bed, spreads her legs, grabs my cock, and pulls me back into her mouth. Tilting her head back, she looks up at me, and I watch as she pleasures herself while sucking on my cock.

I’m close,

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