Powerful (The Driven World) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,32

nods and smirks as he pushes his sunglasses back up. “I promise.”

With a scowl, I get into the car. “I mean it.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And no detours.”

“You spoil all my fun.”

I give him a sideways glance. “I find that hard to believe.”

Kris smiles and slowly drives to the café. “Is this pace okay?”

A loud horn blares from behind us. “No!”

Kris grins and accelerates. The speed he’s traveling is way too fast for this sleepy town. As he gets to Small Delights, he brakes, turns the wheel, and somehow manages to park in the one spot out the front without hitting anything.


Calmly, he turns off the car, pulls his sunglasses down, and winks at me. “Yes, my sweet, Athena?”

Laughter bubbles up out of me. “Jerk.” He feigns hurt. “You’re lucky you didn’t hit anyone.”

Kris shakes his head. “Nah, I’ve been trained by Colton Donavan, and he’s a good teacher. You were perfectly safe, I promise.”

“Colton Donavan, seriously?”

“Yeah, Andy Westin, the director for my next film, Powerful, said it would be beneficial for me to learn a few things. So with Colton and some of the stunt guys, I’ve been doing an offensive driving course. The things those guys can do with a car is nothing short of amazing.”

There’s a tap on Kris’ window, and we look up to see Todd standing there. Kris signals that he’s getting out, and Todd stands back. I scramble out of the car.

“Todd! Buddy, pal, how are you?” asks Kris exuberantly as he throws his arms around Todd.

Todd’s eyes bulge out of his head as he stares at me. I laugh and shrug,

“Kris, how fast were you just going?”

Kris holds Todd at arm’s length. “My man, you know I wasn’t looking, but I’m pretty sure I was under the speed limit.”

“And the spinning tires, and the sideways way you parked the car? How about that?”

“Well, that was precision parking. Wasn’t it, Athena?”

I laugh some more and nod. “Um, I’m going to let you two sort this out. I have a date.”

Both men snap their heads in my direction.

“A date?” asks Todd.

“With who?” asks Kris.

Grinning from ear to ear, I walk into the café. Ashlea is behind the counter serving, and the place is packed. There’s not an empty seat to be found. I walk past her and out to the kitchen were TB and Shannon look a little flustered. TB’s face is red, and Shannon’s usually perfectly coiffed hair is slightly mussed.

“Need help?”

“Yes,” mutters Shannon.

“No, we are fine,” replies TB firmly.

I put my hands on my hips and raise my eyebrows. “You don’t look fine.”

“He’s being unreasonable! With all these outsiders here for the wedding, we are not coping, but will he employ more people? No!” thunders Shannon.

TB’s face goes redder, he purses his lips, and I just know he’s about to lose his cool.

“Okay! I’ve got this.”

TB and Shannon both look at me.

“How?” asks Shannon.

“What?” asks TB.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I call Mom. “Hey, Mom.”

“Hello, honey.”

“TB needs help in the café, and I need to steal Ashlea for a spa day. Can you help?”

“Of course, honey, do you think he needs Dad, too?”

“Oh, yeah, you should see how frazzled Shannon is.”

“Oh, dear! We are on our way.”

I look up at TB, who throws a dishtowel in my face. “I had it under control.”

“No, you didn’t,” counters Shannon as she smiles widely at me.

TB gives her a death stare, Shannon shrugs, and goes out the front with two plates of food.

“You shouldn’t treat her that way. One day she might leave.”

“Shannon loves me. There’s no way she’d leave, and we were fine.”

“Your steak is burning?”

“Oh, fuck!”

TB pulls it off the stove and throws it in the sink, and he rests both hands on it, shoulders slumped. I place a hand on his arm.

“What’s going on?”

“Kris and Sophia are good for business. The kind of business we only get at peak season and the extra money will go a long way to making it a perfect honeymoon for Ashlea. Instead of having to be careful, she can do whatever she wants.”

“You’re an idiot.” We both turn around to find Ashlea there glaring at us. “I know we aren’t there yet, but for better or worse, remember? I don’t need a fancy honeymoon. Ares Boswell, all I need is you.”


She smiles. “I was going for the dramatic effect.”

TB closes the gap between them and embraces her. To give them some privacy, I go out the front. Shannon smiles at me as she takes an order from a

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