Power Play - Brittney Mulliner Page 0,34

smiled. “We made a friend.”

“Yeah, we didn’t want to lose her, so we took her.” Colby held up her hand like a pincher and attacked my chest.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I growled. I glanced back to make sure Taylor was still talking to my parents and not close enough to hear.

“She wasn’t having luck finding a job, so it was either come to Salt Lake with us to see if there’s something here or heading back home. Of course, we convinced her to come with us,” Sydney explained as if that was completely normal.

“You guys knew her for a week.”

“Yes, it only took that long to know it was true love. We’re never letting her go.” Colby smiled.

“You’re evil. Both of you.” I glared at each of them.

“Oh, my sweet, little boy.” My shoulders tightened at the new voice. Chloe walked around us until she stood in front of me, her newborn strapped to her front. “You have so much to learn.”

I nearly threw up my arms. “What do you have to do with it? You weren’t even there!”

Her grin turned wicked. “I’m everywhere. I’m all-knowing.”

“Stop.” I rolled my eyes.

“A kindred spirit needed help. Did you really think we would just walk away?” Lucy asked because she was now joining the conversation, making me even more outnumbered.

“What did I ever do to you guys?” I looked to Chloe, “I’ve been good. No PR disasters. Just kept my head down and played well. Why are you doing this?”

“You hurt her. We’ll heal her.” She sized me up. “As long as you stay away, we won’t have any problems.”

“Motherhood has made you weird.”

She narrowed her eyes to slits. “Momma bears should not be messed with. We’re helping Taylor find a job. It has nothing to do with you.”

“Of all the places you have connections, you had to bring her here?” I stared each of them down.

“We like her,” Sydney said with a shrug.

“Plus she’s single.” Colby wagged her brows. “I happen to know a few single men that might like to meet her.”

This was too much. I walked away from them before they got completely under my skin. I shouldn’t have been so surprised. They brought Taylor to every game, and they were masters at getting their way. A small part of me appreciated that they were helping her, but did they have to move her here? The thought of her dating one of my teammates was enough to make me want to punch the nearest wall.

Carmen stood on the outskirts of the group, flirting with one of the young guys from the farm team. I felt nothing. No jealousy. If she left with him, I wouldn’t care.

That was all I needed to know. I had to end things with her, in a way she understood. Being vague about needing space obviously didn’t work. What was I going to have to say? I never want to see you again? I feel nothing when I see you? I can hook you up with that guy if you’re interested? Please delete my number, oh, and my mom’s?

The words didn’t matter so much as long as I did it soon.

I made my way to my parents who were still holding Taylor hostage. Her eyes met mine, and I tried to silently let her know I was sorry.

Mom noticed me and spun around. “Why didn’t you tell us she was here?”

“This is a surprise to me too,” I grumbled.

“I don’t think we’ve met. Carmen.” Carmen appeared at my side and offered her hand to Taylor. “I’m Jason’s girlfriend.”

Taylor’s eyebrow rose, but she recovered quickly. “I’m Taylor.”

Okay, it was time to talk to Carmen. There were plenty of people here. She could find a ride home with someone else, anyone else.



His girlfriend?

A heads-up from him that he had a girlfriend, or the girls, or literally anyone would have been great. I shouldn’t have come up to the parking garage with the girls. They said they were going to wait for the guys to come out, and I tried to get out of it, but Sydney reminded me she was my ride, and I didn’t have much of a choice.

Why didn’t any of them mention Carmen? I locked eyes with Chloe, and she shook her head. Did she not know? Did any of them?

Was that why Carmen wasn’t sitting with the Pride? Why she hadn’t come to any of the games in Raleigh? Jason did look rather uncomfortable.

“Taylor was Jason’s––”

“We go way back.” I interrupted Jason’s

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