Power Play - Brittney Mulliner Page 0,29

loves animals as much as me.”

I stared at her. We never once talked about animals or how much she loves them. We just happened to meet at an event for cats and dogs. Did she truly believe what she was saying or was she hamming it up for my parents?

“So how long have you been together?” Joey asked.

“Two months.” Carmen beamed.

I widened my eyes hoping that it would reveal to my family just how insane this all was.

“Wow, and you guys are already talking about your future.” Mom tilted her head with a gentle smile. “Sometimes you just know when it’s right.”

Joey laughed next to me, and I kicked his shin.

“What future?” I asked Carmen.

She put her hand on my shoulder. “Oh sweetie, we’ve talked about how I’m willing to move if you get traded this year.”

No. We’ve talked about how she needs to find another job because her coworkers suck.

“That’s such a sacrifice. With how established you are,” Mom gushed.

“You’ve been working there for less than a year,” I pointed out.

Carmen waved me off. “And I’ve moved up so quickly.”

Were we participating in the same conversation?

“Make sure you’re choosing what’s best for you, Carmen. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice everything for your partner,” Dad told her. Finally, someone was talking sense.

“It would be worth it for him.” Carmen took my hand and placed it on the table for my family to see.

How did I correct all of this without coming across like a complete jerk? I didn’t want Mom getting more invested than she already was, and Dad was obviously concerned. He kept throwing glances my way as if waiting for me to explain.

“That’s a ways off. I won’t know about my contract for a few months. A lot can happen between now and then.” Like me moving and changing my phone number.

“You’re right.” Carmen smiled at me. “We could be engaged by then.”

Joey snorted and covered it with a cough.

I closed my eyes and sighed. “Carmen, we talked about this. I’m not ready for a relationship.”

“I know, but that’s months from now.” She batted her lashes.

I pulled my hand away and willed the waiter to come out with our food. The faster this night was over the better.



Tomorrow. I was down to less than twenty-four hours, and I still didn’t have any serious options. It was time to admit defeat and head home. At least I could continue to search for jobs without paying for each night. I would just lose what was left of my pride instead.

I’d done over a dozen phone interviews on Thursday and Friday but nothing came of them. The time and energy of searching for jobs and applying was all for naught. I did everything I could. That was the only comfort I had in returning home. I hadn’t given up.

My phone rang, and I answered, “Hello?”

“Hey, girl. You miss us?”

I recognized Colby’s voice and laughed. “Of course. It’s so much quieter around here when you guys are gone.”

“Well, we are back for tonight’s game, and I think this will be our last time here.”

It was sad to hear the defeat in her voice. The Fury didn’t deserve the losses they were racking up. Two more players had been injured in game four, and they lost. It looked like it was going to be a shorter series than they expected.

“I’m sorry about that.”

“It is what it is.” She sighed. “But you’re coming with us tonight.”

“I am?”

“Of course. You’re a part of our cheer team, and we need all the help we can get.” I heard a voice in the background but couldn’t make out the words. “Oh right, and Sydney wants to know if she should have the pool house cleaned.”

I shook my head. She was serious about that? I was basically a stranger. I didn’t think she would really let me stay there.

“I haven’t really––”

“I’ll tell her yes.” There was a pause and then she came back. “Meet in the lobby at four.”

“Okay.” We hung up.

I knew better by now than to argue. They knew my room number and would show up to drag me out if I even thought of protesting. It was already three so I took a quick shower and got ready before heading down.

Sydney was waiting with Colby and Lucy. It was sad to see their numbers dwindle. Two more players had been injured and I didn’t know if they’d make it back in time.

“Hey, guys.” I gave each of them a hug before we headed out in

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