The Postilion (The Masqueraders #2) - S.M. LaViolette Page 0,7

is authorize you to engage a groom and stable boy to assist you. As my stable master, you will choose your new employees.”

Benna knew that he meant to be helpful, but the last thing she wanted was more servants in proximity.

“Thank you, my lord, that is most generous. But I am quite able to manage for myself—at least until there are more horses.”

“I appreciate your attempt to practice economy on my behalf, Ben, but I’m afraid I’m rather set on my decision.” He uttered the words in his usual soft-spoken fashion, but Benna recognized the steel beneath the velvet. The earl might have spent the last two decades living as a humble country doctor, but he was every inch an aristocrat. Lord Trebolton expected obedience from those in his employ, he simply had a gentler way of ensuring it.

After five years of taking orders from Geoffrey the earl was both easy and enjoyable to serve.

Benna dipped her chin. “Yes, my lord.”

He rewarded her with one of his rare, intoxicating smiles, which left Benna feeling the way she had after drinking her first glass of gin.

“Which brings me to my second order of business: my nieces.”

“Er, I’m sorry, sir? Did you say your nieces?”

“Yes. Neither of the girls have ridden since they outgrew their ponies, which my brother never replaced.” The corners of his full lips turned down at his disclosure. “You have an excellent seat, so I am going to heap yet more duties on your shoulders and ask you to give them a few lessons—more in the nature of a refresher after so long—and also the mounting of them.”

Selecting horses for his nieces would not be a problem, but lessons?

But, once again, Benna could see that he had made up his mind.

“It will be a pleasure to choose hacks for them, my lord.” That, at least, was not a lie.

“I have business in Truro in three days’ time. Normally I would ride rather than take a carriage but I anticipate doing quite a bit of shopping so I’ll want you to have the coach made ready.”

“Of course, my lord.”

The Trebolton coach had not been used in some time and it would be a challenge to have the vehicle road-worthy in three days.

“There is an employment agency in Truro where you can arrange to interview some candidates for the new positions. You’ll also find a small auction house where you can acquire my nieces’ mounts, a gentle hack for the countess, a gig horse, and suitable replacements for our ancient carriage horses, which should be enjoying retirement rather than hauling that old bucket of a coach about.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Lord Trebolton rose and came out from behind his desk.

Benna shot to her feet and the earl laid a long, elegant hand on her shoulder. It was a gesture more suited to a father with his son than an employer to his servant.

His mesmerizing velvet brown eyes were only an inch above hers. “I want you to know how much I appreciate your hard work, Ben. Now that I have some idea of how matters stand with the estate there is no need for you to shoulder so much of the burden.”

Although the earl had inherited his title almost a year ago, he had only resided at Lenshurst Park for a few months.

He gave Benna’s shoulder a light squeeze. “Do not hesitate to tell me about any other needs you might have.”

If only he knew what needs you really wanted him to address … Geoff snickered.

“Er, thank you, my lord,” Benna said, her voice even lower than normal.

His hand tightened on her shoulder. “I’m afraid I’ve got one last duty to add to the towering pile.” His perfect features became stern and forbidding. “I should warn you that it will be onerous. And possibly dangerous.”

Benna goggled. “My lord?”

His expression shifted in an instant and he laughed, gave her shoulder one last squeeze, and dropped his hand. “I’m just teasing you, Ben. I want you to come up for a game of chess later this evening. Shall we say half past nine?”

Good Lord; he wanted her to come up to his study and spend time with him? Alone. Together.

Mocking laughter rang inside her head. Pull your wits together, you gudgeon. He thinks you’re a man, he doesn’t fancy you.

“Ben?” The earl’s brows had knitted with concern.

“Er, nine-thirty, my lord. Yes. Tonight.”

“Excellent. I shall see you then.”

Benna pivoted on her heel and left in something of a daze, her shoulder on fire where the Copyright 2016 - 2024