Possession (Redemption #3) - T.K. Leigh Page 0,95

I’d ever like the idea of being blindfolded or restrained, the loss of control enough to cause a panic attack. But as Wes and I have explored this undeniable connection over the past several weeks, I’ve learned I can trust him. With my body. With my fears. With my heart.

All I ever wanted out of my first marriage was someone I connected with, someone with whom I could explore these cravings and desires without being judged. Now I finally have that. If these past several months have taught me anything, it’s that Wes will do anything for me. That he’ll never hurt me.

Grabbing a fistful of his shirt, I pull him toward me, wrapping my legs around his midsection.

“Put it on,” I order huskily.

“Yes, ma’am.”

He slips it over my head, shrouding my world in darkness. With the loss of my sight, all my other senses are heightened.

My sense of hearing, the sound of my racing heart seeming to thunder all around us.

My sense of smell, Wes’ spicy and earthy scent overwhelming me.

My sense of touch, Wes pushing my panties aside, his mouth covering my center.

“Oh god,” I moan, my body fusing to the surface below me.

One thing is certain. We will definitely be putting this blindfold to more use in the future.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Excited conversation echoes against the high ceilings as I glance around the dining room of Meemaw and Gampy’s house, the chairs filled with friends and family, both old and new. It’s surreal to celebrate Thanksgiving in this house again after all these years. I didn’t think I’d ever do this again, thought all I’d have to cling to were memories from the past. But now I get to make new memories in this house. Memories with my new family.

Julia rushes back into the dining room from the kitchen and rearranges a few of the dishes, setting the last bowl on the table. “I always forget the cranberry sauce,” she remarks breathily, plopping down onto her chair beside Imogene.

“Everything looks great, Jules,” I say with a smile. “You didn’t have to do all of this. I told you we could just keep things simple.”

She narrows her gaze on me. “And in the spirit of Meemaw, I did keep things simple.” She waves at the table that’s filled with nearly a dozen different types of food. “At least according to her.”

We laugh at the inside joke. Meemaw’s idea of a simple meal would feed a small army for days afterward. She loved cooking for anyone who walked through the doors of this house. I’m thrilled her favorite room, the kitchen, is now put back to good use whenever we’re here.

“I suppose you did.” I smile, then look at everyone assembled around the table, Londyn at my side. She’d invited her neighbors, Hazel and Diego, to join our Thanksgiving celebration, as well, and I’m grateful they made the trip out here from the city. We’re a mishmash of people from all different walks of life — white, black, Hispanic. Exactly how Gampy and Meemaw celebrated the holidays. The only person missing is Julia’s husband, Nick, who got stuck in a snowstorm up north, where he’d been for work. But he’s hoping to get here before the end of the weekend.

Clearing my throat, I grab my wine glass and rise to my feet, feeling almost like an imposter as I stand at the head of the table where Gampy once did during large holiday meals.

“Over the years, my sister, Julia, and I have started a tradition, thanks to our gampy. Whenever we’d sit down to a big meal, he’d always start with a toast. Now, whenever Julia and I get together, we do the same thing, although thanks to our competitive natures, it’s become a bit of a contest to see who can come up with the best one.” I wink. “So, Jules, on this very special first Thanksgiving back here, I yield the floor to you.”

I return to my seat, brushing my fingers along Londyn’s thigh. It’s impossible to keep my hands off her, even more so tonight since she’s wearing a wrap dress that falls to her mid-thigh paired with her knee-high boots. I’ve already told her I have plans for her tonight, and they include her in those boots. And nothing else.

Julia stands, looking at our guests. “I debated what to toast to today, since I feel like I have so much to be thankful for this year. Not only is my daughter turning into such a kind and

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