Possession (Redemption #3) - T.K. Leigh Page 0,67

this, I can’t have any added pressure on me.”

“In other words, it’s not me, it’s you,” I say with a slight chuckle.

“Yeah.” She chews on her bottom lip. “I suppose this was all just a roundabout way to say that.”

I exhale deeply, lifting my eyes toward the sky, trying to think of anything to say to convince her otherwise, convince her it doesn’t have to be like this. Then her words from minutes ago replay in my mind. All she wanted back then was someone to support her and do whatever it took to help her through this. So, as much as it pains me, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

“I don’t like this, but I promise to stay out of your way while you get on the path to the happiness you deserve, regardless of whether I’m at the end of it.”

“This doesn’t mean I want you out of my life completely,” she adds quickly. “Truthfully, these past few weeks have sucked.”

I laugh under my breath. “Yes, they have.”

She pulls at the hem of her dress, lowering her gaze. “So, if it’s okay with you, I’d like it if things can go back to the way they were before we kissed.” She gradually looks up. “If we can work on the house together again.”

“I’d really like that, too.”


“Good,” I repeat.

Neither one of us moves as I simply admire her. Her beauty. Her strength. Her resilience. And in this moment, I feel like I’m finally seeing the real Londyn. I’ve always found her to be absolutely stunning. But now that she’s revealed all the dark parts of herself, I can’t help but grow even more attracted to her.

“Can I hug you again?” I ask after several protracted moments.

She nods, walking into my arms.

I wrap her in my embrace, bringing her head to my chest. I trace a soothing pattern on her back as the sun sets on the horizon, turning the sky a beautiful pink. Silence surrounds us like a protective cocoon as I do my best to provide comfort and security in a world that’s been nothing but cruel and unjust to her most of her life. But I hope I can show her it doesn’t have to be that way.

I hope I can show her what she’s been deprived of for too long now.

I hope I can show her love.

Chapter Twenty-One


“This is infinitely easier than that wallpaper,” I comment as I roll paint onto the wall of what used to be Gampy’s office but Londyn plans to return to its original purpose — the parlor.

I wasn’t sure how today would go, considering it’s our first day with things back to normal. Or at least some semblance of normalcy. I’m not sure how normal things will be again. Not after everything Londyn shared yesterday. Her assault. Being made out to be the wrongdoer by the system. Her husband giving her an ultimatum for making a decision any woman in her shoes would.

I’ve always considered myself a fairly even-tempered person. It takes a lot to piss me off. Gampy always told me that the pen is mightier than the sword, and I suppose his admonition stuck, as I prefer to use my words instead of my fists.

When it comes to Londyn, though, that’s no longer the case. I’ve never felt the urge to hunt someone down and cause permanent damage as much as I do now, knowing this waste of space, this rapist, is presumably still walking the earth, free to cause other women the same harm. It makes me sick that our justice system would allow such a thing. Maybe I’ve just worn rose-colored glasses for too long, thinking the system would take care of criminals.

But if I learned anything from Gampy, it’s that the system is flawed. It’s times like these I wish he were still alive. He’d know what to do, what to say to Londyn. Hell, he’d probably go to battle for her, promise to get her the justice she deserves. I wouldn’t even know how to do that. All I can do is what I promised. Be her friend while she finally takes back control of her life.

Although every time she flashes me one of those heart-melting smiles, it takes everything I have to not wrap her in my arms. Press my lips to hers. Kiss her like she deserves to be kissed. With respect. With admiration. With hope. Now that I’ve had a taste of how sweet she is, I’m desperate for another

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