Possession (Redemption #3) - T.K. Leigh Page 0,52

hours fantasizing about how incredible it could be between us?

Because there’s no doubt in my mind. That’s exactly how it would be. Incredible. Volatile. Wild. At the same time, gentle. Safe. Peaceful.

Groaning in annoyance, I throw quicker and more forceful punches. Hazel adjusts her stance, her inquisitive eyes watching my every movement as I increase my pace, not relenting until my muscles give out and, with a scream, I collapse on a nearby bench.

My chest heaves as I struggle to capture a breath, my entire body trembling from over-exertion.

Sitting beside me, Hazel hands me my water bottle. I grab it with an appreciative nod and take a swig. Once my thirst is momentarily quenched, I lean forward, pouring some water onto my neck to cool myself down.

“So… Want to talk about whatever has you all worked up?” Hazel asks after a beat. “Or perhaps I should say whoever has you all worked up.”

“I’m not worked up,” I insist, although my words lack anything remotely resembling conviction.

“Sure you aren’t.” She rakes her disbelieving stare over me. “Everything is just hunky-dory. Which is why you’re home on a Sunday when you haven’t been since you took the job with the hottie in a suit. And why you nearly broke my damn hand sparring just now.”

“Hunky-dory? What is this? The 1950s or some shit?”

She rolls her eyes, taking a long drink from her own bottle. “You know what I mean, Lo. You always pretend everything’s okay when secretly, I think you’re desperate for someone to talk to. So here I am, your friend and neighbor, asking if you’re okay. So…” She nudges me. “Are you okay?”

I chew on my lower lip, debating what to tell her. She’s the only person in the world who will understand my trepidation about everything. She’s been there, too.

“Wes kissed me,” I blurt out.

She blinks, my statement obviously taking her by surprise. “And?”

“And I kissed him back.”


“And what?”

“You know,” she urges. “Give me the goods. Don’t hold back on me now that y’all have finally locked lips.”

“Okay, first of all, don’t call it locking lips. Second of all…” I trail off.


“Well, I don’t think there is a second of all.”

“Then tell me about the kiss. How was it?”

I crane my head back, my pulse quickening from the memory of the kiss that led to a lot more than just a kiss. How it started soft and tender, soon exploding into this insane connection both of us were powerless to stop, a freight train gaining more and more speed as it careened toward a cliff. That’s what scared me to the point that I felt like I had no option but to push him away. I was absolutely powerless. Defenseless. Vulnerable. I vowed years ago to never put myself in that position again.

“Intense.” I don’t think there’s any other word that can possibly describe it. “It got out of hand pretty quickly.”

“Out of hand? How do you mean?”

“One second, his mouth hovered over mine in a barely-there kiss. And then…”

“Yes?” She leans toward me, hanging on to my every word.

“Then he was pushing my panties aside and giving me this mind-blowing orgasm with just his fingers.”

“Well, halle-fucking-lujah!” Hazel exclaims, her voice echoing in the garage. “‘Bout time someone got you off.”

I roll my eyes. “I’ve slept with other guys, Haze.”

“And then came home and put your vibrator to use because they couldn’t get the job done,” she reminds me.

I blow out a breath. She’s not wrong. Up until Wes, I assumed it was the penance I was forced to pay for my sins all those years ago. But now I know what’s possible with him, which only confuses me more. I swore I’d never give up control of my body to any other man again, the men I’ve slept with in recent years more than happy to let me call the shots in the bedroom. But with Wes, I had absolutely no control.

“So what happened after?” She arches a brow, sensing it didn’t end with us flying off into the sunset like Danny and Sandy in Grease.

“I freaked out. Pushed him away. Made a pretty big scene of it all.”


I shrug noncommittally. “He’s my client.”

“True.” She pinches her lips together. “Or are you using that as an excuse?”

I glance at her. Do I stick to the lame explanation I gave Wes, or do I tell her the truth? After all, if I can’t be honest with Hazel…

“Because I’m not sure I can ever be the person he needs or

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