Possession (Redemption #3) - T.K. Leigh Page 0,33

maybe you should find something you love. Something that gives you joy. Then your job may not feel so lacking. It worked for me.”

I consider her words, wondering what brings me joy. Sure, there’s Julia and Imogene. Whenever I spend time with that little girl, my heart brims with love. But I’m not sure that’s what Londyn’s talking about. Just like she found joy when she returned to her passion of up-cycling furniture, maybe that’s what I need to do, too.

I rest my forearms on my knees and steal a glance at Londyn, my mind spinning, excitement bubbling inside me at the idea taking shape. I hadn’t even considered it when I won this place in auction, but it feels right.

“What do you think about helping out a little more?”

She tilts her head, brow creased. “What do you mean?”

“This house. I don’t know about you, but I really enjoyed today.”

“I did, too.” She gives me a small smile.

“Maybe this is what I need in my life. Get back to what I love. Get my hands dirty, my body sweaty, and my fingers bloody.”

“You’re going to do all these renovations yourself?” Her tone is heavy with disbelief.

“Not all by myself.” I gently nudge her with my shoulder. “I’m hoping you’ll help. I’ll pay you more, of course. Don’t want you to think I won’t. But maybe when I’m at the office during the week, you can look for window treatments, lighting, and cabinets… Whatever designers need to make a space beautiful. Then on the weekends, we can work on the house. Together.”

“Just us?”

“I’ll call in Nash and his crew on some of the bigger installations. My ancestors built this house. My happiest memories occurred here. I almost feel like I owe it to their legacy to make my own mark, not just pay a crew to do the work while I sit in the comfort of my house or office. So what do you say?”

Blinking, she looks forward, seeming to carefully weigh the pros and cons of my rash proposal for what feels like an eternity. I don’t think I’ve ever been so anxious for someone to say yes. Not even when I proposed to Brooklyn in an upscale Boston restaurant, dozens of eyes on us.

“Okay,” Londyn finally says, returning her gaze to mine.


“Yes. Okay. I’ll help you.”

Before I can think about what I’m doing, I fling my arms around her, pulling her to me, her powdery aroma now mixed with a hint of sweat. But it still has me craving her in a way I shouldn’t. She stiffens, inhaling a sharp breath, and I quickly drop my hold.

“Sorry. I just… I guess I got a little excited.” I lower my eyes, running my fingers through my hair.

“It’s okay. Just surprised me. That’s all.” She smiles. “I just have one condition.”

“What’s that?” I expect her to tell me no more displays of affection or flirting, as we’ve done a time or two today. I can’t help it when I’m around her. I forget who I am. Forget about the responsibilities placed on my shoulders since birth.

“We’ll work on this house together, but you can’t be here for any of the finishing touches.”


She shoots up her hand. “This is non-negotiable. You can help with painting, tiling, and installing cabinets. Stuff like that. But that’s it. The last week, you don’t step foot in this house.”

“May I ask why?”

“I don’t want to miss out on the reason I went into this field in the first place.”

“Which is?”

“That moment y’all see your new home for the first time. I know it sounds insignificant. But for me, that moment…” She shakes her head. “It’s—”

“Magic,” I finish.

“Yeah.” She smiles. “Magic.”

“I wouldn’t want you to miss out on the magic. You have my word. The last week, I won’t step foot in the house.” I extend my hand toward her, a single brow arched. “Do we have a deal?”

She eyes my hand warily, but soon places hers in it. “We have a deal.”

Chapter Twelve


“What do you think? Looks good, right?” Londyn steps back to admire the walls we’ve spent the better part of today covering in wallpaper.

I was a bit hesitant when she suggested wallpaper as opposed to paint in the formal living room, worried it would make it appear dated, and not in a historic way. But as she’s done every time I questioned her over the past several weekends we’ve spent renovating this house, she convinced me to trust her, and I’m glad I did.

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