Possession (Redemption #3) - T.K. Leigh Page 0,22

the oven buzzes.

I pinch the bridge of my nose as the realization hits me. Julia never had any intention of discussing the remodel tonight. She planned this to get Londyn and me together. How did I not figure this out sooner, especially after our discussion last weekend?

“I’m sorry about this,” I offer, shooting daggers at my sister before looking back at Londyn. “If I had known, I wouldn’t have intruded on your Friday night plans. I understand how valuable your time must be.” The last thing I want is for her to leave. I’d witnessed her go from hot to cold in the span of a heartbeat on more than one occasion. I fear Julia’s hairbrained scheme will have her running as far away as she can.

Instead, Londyn treats me to her gorgeous smile. “Don’t worry.” Ever so slowly, she gradually leans toward me, her scent wafting around me.

I should look somewhere other than her lips, but I can’t help myself. God, they’re so full. So mesmerizing. I wonder if they taste as sweet as they look.

As if able to read my thoughts, she licks them, making me harden, my grip on my glass tightening.

“Good food,” she begins in a sultry voice, “great wine, and even better company are never an intrusion in my book.” With a wink, she pulls back.

I watch as she grabs her glass and slowly brings it to her mouth, sipping the wine.

I’ve never wished I was a wine glass more than I do right now.

Chapter Nine


“You actually made him run naked through the property?” I can barely see through the tears filling my eyes as I sit in the living room of Wes’ home, my stomach aching from laughter at the image of a young Wes streaking through his grandparents’ massive property after his swim trunks snagged on a branch, tearing them off.

All day today, I’d considered canceling, thinking any discussions regarding the design should be done in a more appropriate setting, not during a family dinner on Friday night. Normally, I wouldn’t think twice about having dinner with a client. But Wes is…different. What I feel for him is different. Which is why I should run as far away as I can. But as Hazel reminded me, I need to stop letting him control my decisions.

“And that’s not even the worst of it,” Wes counters, stroking Imogene’s hair as she sleeps curled up next to him on the couch. She fell asleep about an hour ago, no longer interested in listening to her mom and uncle share story after story about the summers they spent at their grandparents’ country house.

There’s something sweet about him as he snuggles with her. When I first met him, I wasn’t sure what to think. He seemed so confident, so assured. A man who was always in control of every part of his life. But observing him with this little girl allows me to see his softer, more vulnerable side. I suppose children have that effect on you.

“It gets worse?” I ask, sipping on my water.

Julia grins deviously. “I’d invited a few of my friends from town to come over. Including Evangeline Allen.”

“Who’s Evangeline Allen?”

“The older sister of one of my good friends. And Wes’ first crush. After that incident, I’m pretty sure she was scarred for life.”

Wes glances at me with a devious glint. “I’d like to think she saw more than she could handle.”

“Sure she did.” Julia playfully rolls her eyes, and we all erupt in laughter.

“It sounds like you have some incredible memories at the house.” I look between them, unable to see the resemblance one would normally find with siblings.

Wes is broad, tall, with dark hair and penetrating blue eyes. Julia’s on the shorter side, although still slender, with golden blonde hair and the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen. Even their personalities seem to be on opposite ends. Wes appears more soft-spoken and reserved, but when he does speak, it’s of importance, not just words to fill the silence. Julia is more outgoing, constantly chatting about whatever comes to mind.

“We do.” Julia shares a look with her brother, the affection they hold for each other evident. “Some of my best memories happened there.”

“What were your grandparents like?” I ask.

“Amazing,” she answers without a moment’s hesitation. “They’re the reason Wes and I turned out as…normal as we did.”


“We grew up in a world where lunch boxes were Louis Vuitton and sneakers were Jimmy Choo. Or at least they would be if those things existed.”

“So your parents

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