Possession (Redemption #3) - T.K. Leigh Page 0,13

“I’m glad I found her card on your desk. I checked out her webpage and Instagram, loved what I saw, and reached out. When I learned she just got fired from Margo St. James due to staff reductions, I knew I had to swipe her up before someone else did.”

I shoot my wide eyes to hers, stunned at this revelation. “You worked for Margo St. James?” I didn’t know what I expected to learn about her design background, but never did I think she’d worked for one of the top interior designers in the state, perhaps the entire country.

While I had stalked her website and Instagram, I hadn’t noticed any mention of the job she’d just gotten fired from the day we met. Probably because I was too focused on admiring her photos to look at anything else.

“You know who she is?” She arches a perfectly manicured brow.

“Our paths have crossed a time or two.”

“Wes is an architect,” Julia explains proudly.

“You are?” Londyn blinks repeatedly, just as taken aback by this revelation as I was about who she worked for.

I nod. “I am.”

“You two have quite a lot in common,” Julia encourages.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what she’s trying to do. Sometimes she’s just as bad as my mother. As least I know Julia won’t try to set me up with someone who’s only interested in the size of my bank account. Still, I’m not sure I’m ready to put myself through another relationship. Not after the disaster and heartache of my last one. I have everything I need. The architecture firm. The charity work I do. And, occasionally, Julia and Imogene. They offer me love and companionship. That’s enough for me.

After several moments of uncomfortable silence, Londyn looks at Julia. “Well, I should get back to the city. I have so many ideas floating in my head. I can’t wait to get started. Like I said, I promise to honor the history and memories you have of this house.” She glances in my direction. “Both of you.”

My sister smiles appreciatively, taking her hand and squeezing. “Thank you.”

“Of course.” She holds her gaze another moment, then peers at me, an unexpected shyness about her. “It was nice to see you again, Wes.”

I smile. It doesn’t escape my notice that she’s finally dropped the formality of Weston and called me Wes.

“Wonderful to see you again, Londyn,” I say smoothly as I extend my hand toward her. She takes it, and I wrap my fingers around her, delicately brushing my thumb along her knuckles, causing a subtle shiver to roll through her. “Surprising, yet wonderful.” I maintain my hold for a protracted moment, turning a simple handshake into something more, not caring Julia’s witnessing our interaction.

“Thanks again for this opportunity.”

“No problem at all.” My sister smirks, a devilish glint in her eyes.

I reluctantly release Londyn’s hand. She steps back, flashing a smile at Julia.

“I’ll have Wes get in touch with you sometime over the next few days to talk about the next steps.” Julia waves her hand around. “While I can make some mean macarons and other pastries, Wes is the expert when it comes to building stuff.”

Londyn tilts her head, squinting at Julia. “That’s why you look so familiar,” she exclaims after a moment. “Do you work at The Mad Batter in Buckhead?”

Julia laughs, nodding. “I’ll do you one better. I own it.”

“I love your peanut butter and jelly cookies,” Londyn says excitedly.

She snorts. “You can thank Imogene for that creation. One day, she asked what good a peanut butter cookie is without jelly.”

“Next time I see her, I’ll be sure to do that. Until then…” She nods at Julia before lifting her gaze to meet mine once more.

Then she turns, making her way out of the house and into her SUV, leaving me reeling at the prospect of seeing her again.

Chapter Six


“Okay. Spill,” Julia orders the second Londyn’s car disappears from view.

“Spill what?” I turn from her, retreating down the hallway and into the kitchen. Opening the cooler, I grab a couple of beers, pop the top off each, then hand one to Julia.

“You know what.” She follows me onto the covered back porch, sitting beside me on the top step. “Londyn. There’s obviously some sort of attraction between you.”

“Nah.” I brush her off, peering out over the expansive property, almost able to see the ghosts of my childhood dancing before my eyes. Except now it’s just Imogene playing with Zeus.

Buying back this house was a rash

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