Portals and Puppy Dogs - Amy Lane Page 0,50


“Take care of wha—oh my God!”

Simon thrust his hand down the front of Alex’s boxer briefs and found his cock, erect and heavy, crushed up against his thigh. Simon gave it a strong stroke, aligning it across Alex’s abdomen while he nibbled on Alex’s neck some more.

“I’m going to push your undershorts off,” he said, his voice coming in little pants. “Don’t worry, I just want to stroke you.”

“Yeah, fine,” Alex muttered, and together they slid the offending fabric off his hips and down to where he could kick it off.

Simon didn’t give him a chance to rethink things when he’d settled back. Instead, he ran his hand down Alex’s hip and then grasped his cock again, stroking from the bottom up. It filled his fist so nicely he did it again, then finished by skating his thumb across the tip, catching the edge under the bell.

Alex moaned breathily. “That feels good,” he said, sounding humble. “Could you—God, yes. Thank you!”

Simon chuckled in his ear. “You can laugh while we do this, you know,” he teased.

“Sure, I’ll—ah! Simon!”

He kept stroking, grinding up against Alex’s backside every time Alex rippled against Simon’s groin.

“It’s that I’m not used to being touched and—oh God. Keep going.”


Simon kept stroking, kept grinding, lost in the feel of Alex in his arms, in Alex’s breathless little cries as he tried to explain in broken sentences what seemed so very simple to Simon.

Alex had never made love before because he’d never been in love before. When he’d asked for passion, he’d been lying to himself. Alex wasn’t a bend-over-and-go kind of man. He took things seriously—his friends, his job, his environment, his craft, even his friends’ dog. He wouldn’t let a casual lover touch him like this.

It had to be someone he trusted.

Someone he cared for.

Someone he could love.

Sure, they’d been crushing on each other at the office because they’d been attracted, but the attraction had stuck because they’d genuinely liked each other. Simon respected Alex’s fine mind, his loyalty, his sly and unexpected humor, and the kindness he’d shown his friends, the shy Bartholomew and the struggling Jordan in particular.

And God knows what Alex saw in Simon, but it must have been something good because he trusted Simon to touch his body, to stroke his arousal, to hold his desire in the palm of a strong hand.

Simon wasn’t a betting man—he was an accountant. But he was pretty sure if he looked back at the ledgers of Alex’s personal experience, he wouldn’t find one person who had seen the potential for wonder that Alex Kennedy held in his slight, wiry body.

Simon saw it. Simon would unleash it on the world if he could, as long as he could have moments like this one—this private, harsh-breathed moment—exclusively to himself.

“Ah!” Alex’s cry pulled him away from his thoughts and back into their bed. Alex gripped his fist with a shaking hand and pressed, telling Simon to squeeze harder, and Simon thrust his aching erection up against Alex’s backside.

“Simon, I’m going to—oh God, I’m gonna—”

“Go ahead,” Simon told him, sucking on his earlobe, ending with a bite. “Come.”

The sound that tore out of Alex’s throat just then was not dignified, and it wasn’t laughter. It was raw and needy, and Alex thrust into Simon’s fist one more time and spilled, hot, silky, and salty, over Simon’s knuckles, dripping down his wrist.

The feel of it, the carnality, sent Simon over, and he bit Alex’s shoulder and thrust one more time against Alex’s backside, coming inside his boxers with an unashamed moan.

“God!” he breathed. “Alex, you’re amazing.”

“Is that jizz on your hand?” Alex asked, sounding dazed.

Simon chuckled and raised the hand to Alex’s mouth, whispering, “Taste,” in his ear. And Alex stuck out a tentative tongue and licked, then licked some more, then sucked on the webbing between Simon’s thumb and forefinger and then licked the back of his knuckles, nursing on the side of Simon’s finger like he was milking a cock.

And the thought made Simon hard again.

He began to whisper in Alex’s ear, filthy, sensual suggestions, words that were offensive anywhere but the bedroom, when he wanted to arouse a lover.

Alex gasped, rolling in his arms and taking his mouth. Simon could taste the tang of spend, and that turned his key even when it was his own. He moaned and slid on top, thrusting his tongue in Alex’s mouth while he swept Alex’s hands up over his head and gave them a little shake.

He pulled back long enough

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