Poison & Wine - Melissa Toppen Page 0,83

and load her into the car.

I don’t know what I hope to accomplish but I have to do something.

I drive through my neighborhood, scouring the streets for anyone that resembles Jace. Given that it’s still early, other than an older couple walking their dog, there isn’t anyone out.

Next, I make my way to the church where I know Jace attends meetings. Unfortunately, the front doors are locked and there doesn’t seem to be anyone inside.

Defeated and honestly a bit panicked, I drive to Keira’s house, praying like hell she’s home.

When I pound on her front door less than fifteen minutes later, I’m relieved when she tugs it open. She doesn’t look like she’s fully awake, but the moment she catches the expression on my face, she quickly ushers me and Ellie inside.

“So you haven’t heard from him at all?” Keira asks as she makes a pot of coffee, having listened to me ramble for the last five minutes.

“I don’t think he has my number, so it’s not like he could call if he were in some sort of trouble.” I sigh, dropping my face into my hands. “I don’t know what to do.” I don’t bother to disguise the fear in my voice. I honestly don’t think I could if I wanted to.

“Hey.” She steps in front of me, pulling my face away from my hands. “Everything is going to be okay. He probably just stayed at a friends or something.” She attempts to make me feel better, but it only makes it worse.

“What friends?” I burst.

“I don’t know. Maybe he crashed with one of the guys from the shop or something. Just because his boss hasn’t seen him doesn’t mean someone else hasn’t.”

She’s not wrong, though the thought doesn’t give me much comfort.

“Why would he do that though?”

“Hard to say.” She shrugs, giving me an empathetic smile. “Maybe they went to a meeting and it ran late.”

“That’s not how meetings work. Besides, the place he goes to is less than a mile from my house. Why wouldn’t he walk back home?”

“Honestly Oak, I don’t know. I’m grasping at straws here.”

“Can you keep Ellie for a little bit?” I ask abruptly.

“Of course. Why? What are you going to do?”

“Truthfully, I have no idea, but I can’t stand around and do nothing. And I don’t want to have to drag my poor girl all over god’s green earth looking for her father who I’m worried has relapsed.”

“Say no more. I’ve got her. You go. Do what you have to do.” She lays a hand on my shoulder.

“Thank you. I’ll call you as soon as I know anything.” I spin around and take off out of her apartment like someone has set it on fire behind me.

I head back to the house first. Maybe there’s something in the apartment that can help me track down where Jace is. When I pull into the driveway, I have the car door open before I’ve even turned off the engine.

I move with sheer determination. I have to stay focused. I can’t let myself fall apart.

When I round the garage, my steps falter when I see that the apartment door is open and Jace is standing inside, his palms pressed down onto the counter as he leans forward, his head dropped down slightly.

Relief floods through me at finding him, yet it doesn’t erase the fear I feel.

“Jace?” I question hesitantly, not really sure what I’m going to find when he faces me.

He jumps slightly at the sound of my voice before his tired gaze shoots to mine.

“Where the hell have you been?” I ask, suddenly out of breath for some reason.

“I can explain.” His voice is steady, even. He seems okay but I can’t be too sure. He’s fooled me before.

“Are you high?” If nothing more, I have to know if he relapsed.

“What?” He draws back like I’ve physically assaulted him. “No, of course not.”

“Do not lie to me!” I scream, stomping my way toward him. I grab his chin, examining his face, his eyes, leaning in to make sure I don’t smell any alcohol on his breath.

“What the fuck, Oak!” He shakes off the hold I have on him.

“Tell me the truth,” I demand, completely invading his space.

“I’m not fucking high!” The boom of his voice has me taking a step back. “I’m not high,” he repeats softer this time.

“Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”

“For fuck’s sake, Oakley. I’ve had one hell of a fucking night. I do not need this right now.”

“Well too

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