Playmaker - Jami Davenport Page 0,12

alarm. “Are you okay?”

“It’s him,” I whispered with a shaky voice. “Please don’t tell him I’m here.”

I didn’t take the time to explain. Kaden was walking up the steps to the covered porch. I had to hide. Now.

Mandy stared at me, as if confused, then she nodded knowingly. As I suspected, Brody had told her about the visitor from a few days ago. To her credit, she hadn’t asked any prying questions. Mandy wasn’t like that. She was a calm presence who let a person know without words she would be there for them.

With no time to retreat to the safety of my room, I raced to the small powder room off the living room. Shutting and locking the door behind me, I huddled against the door, my ear against it.

“Hi, there,” I heard Kaden say to Mandy.

“Hello, what can I help you with? Are you checking in?”

“No, I’m hoping you can help me.” My heart slammed in my chest at the sound of his familiar and missed voice, deep and clear and confident. I imagined him standing tall and proud, pushing an errant strand of hair out his eyes and behind his ear. Maybe he’d finally cut his hair. He’d always complained about it, but he’d also had this superstition if he cut it he’d be like Samson and lose all his power. I’d encouraged him to keep those messy locks of unruly dark hair. I loved burying my fingers in them or feeling the strands glide down my belly and tickle my thighs when he went down on me. Oh my God, I was getting turned on just thinking about him on the other side of this door. If I didn’t control myself, I’d be masturbating. Not a bad idea, I concluded wickedly. I’d always been a good girl, but Kaden brought out the bad girl in me, even when he was on the other side of a closed door.

“Certainly, I’d be glad to assist if I can,” Mandy said pleasantly.

“I’m looking for someone.”

I held my breath. There were several moments of silence, and I guessed he was showing Mandy the only image he had of me, the one he’d promised to delete.

“She looks like a guest from a few weeks ago, but it’s hard to say.”

I dug my fingers into my palm, wondering why she’d betray me like that. I’d asked her not to indicate I was here, but then she hadn’t said I was here, just that I might’ve been.

“Are you sure?” The hopefulness in Kaden’s tone broke my heart. I wanted to rush out of my hiding place and wrap my arms around him, letting him lull me into believing everything would be okay. Only it wouldn’t be okay. It’d never be okay. Even Kaden couldn’t fix the mess I’d found myself embroiled in.

“Brody? What do you think? Was she here a few weeks ago?”

Brody must’ve walked into the lobby. I dug my fingernails into the palm of one hand, hoping to distract myself and calm my nerves.

“Yeah, she might’ve been. Hard to say. She only stayed a night and kept to her room.”

“Do you know where she was going when she left?”

“She said something about Vancouver Island,” Mandy responded.

“Yeah, she didn’t seem to know, but she also asked about catching the Alaska ferry up in Canada.” Brody’s voice came through convincingly. I knew what they were up to. Kaden was already suspicious I’d been on the island. The clever thing to do was steer him in another direction and away from the inn. My moment of disappointment turned to gratefulness. They had my back, even though some portion of me wished they’d told him the truth, torn open the powder room door, and revealed me cowering in a corner.

“What kind of car was she driving?”

Kaden had never seen my car. I’d made sure of it. The old Toyota I’d paid cash for was a far cry from the Bimmer that’d been my high school graduation gift. I held my breath, hoping they didn’t give him an honest answer, while feeling like a bitch for wanting my newfound friends to lie even more for me.

“I didn’t see a car. I think she used the island taxi,” Brody answered confidently. I almost believed him myself.

“She was very private. Didn’t even take advantage of our free breakfast.” Mandy added to the story they were weaving about me.

“I’m sorry we can’t be more help. She paid cash on checkout. We don’t have any further information.” Mandy’s tone was Copyright 2016 - 2024