Playing with Words (Boggy Creek Valley #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,98

fell in love. You bought a building. And you’re moving back to New Hampshire and taking a break from writing.”

“Almost. I’m not taking a break from writing, I simply want to explore some things with my writing. My father and I are tossing around the idea of doing a book on photography, and I think I might like to dip my toe into self-publishing…maybe with a romance novel.”

He frowned. “Why?”

“Why to which part?”

A humorless laugh slipped free before he replied, “To all of it. Let’s start with you leaving New York.”

With a half shrug, I said, “I’ve been wanting to leave New York for some time now, you know that. I’ve really fallen for the town of Boggy Creek. Why do you think I went up there to finish this book in the first place?”

“Fine. You leaving New York isn’t that big of an issue since you can live anywhere. I won’t lie and say I won’t miss our racquetball matches, though.”

I rolled my eyes. “I kicked your ass every time, Russ.”

He waved me off. “What has me worried is this woman you’ve…fallen in love with. Don’t you think this is moving a bit fast, Hudson? I mean, you hardly know her. What if she knew who you were from the moment you walked into her bookstore, and she set her sights on you?”

I laughed. “You think she’s using me? For what?”

He sighed. “You said it yourself that she wants to publish a book. You bought her a fucking building, for Pete’s sake. Did I mention you hardly know her? Listen, I can maybe get on board with the whole rushing in on a white horse and saving her building, but to move to a town and commit to her like this? This doesn’t sound like you. I just want to make sure you’re not being played.”

How does he feel here? Maybe add an emotional beat. “I guess that goes to show you don’t know me as well as you think you do, Russ. First off, I’m not being played. As far as the building goes, everything has been drawn up by my lawyer and looked over by hers. There’s nothing fishy about it. And if she wants to publish a book, I’ll support her one-hundred-and-ten percent and use every resource I have to help. That’s not even a question. But it’s not something she has on her plate anytime in the near future. She won’t even let me read her draft.”

Just when I didn’t think he could frown any more, he pulled his brows in tighter. “Fine. She’s not using you. What is this sudden urge to not work with a publisher? Why self-publish?”

“The question should be, why not self-publish? I’ve got the reader base. It’ll give me a chance to explore different genres—like I said, I’ve got a great romance story floating around in my head. Think ‘Christmas tree farmer’.”

He rolled his eyes. “Dear God, no.”

I laughed. “Russ, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, and Greer Larson and Boggy Creek Valley are the reasons.”

Finally, the man smiled. “You do have a certain…air about you.”

“Am I glowing?” I asked, touching both of my cheeks.

“Shut up, dickhead. When are you thinking of moving?”

“I’ve already given notice on my apartment, informed my folks I’m moving to Boggy Creek, and I have a realtor helping me find a place to buy.”

Russ slowly shook his head and let out a disbelieving laugh. “Wow, you’re really serious about this.”

“I am. Very much so.”

He steepled his index fingers and rested his chin on them. “What do you need from me?”

“Just your support as a friend.”

A wide grin appeared on his face. “You’ve got that. I guess I’m going to have to plan a trip up to this magical place called Boggy Creek to see what it’s all about.”

I laughed as I stood to leave. I needed to finish up a few more things before I was ready to say goodbye to New York. “You’re too much of a city guy, Russ. You’d hate it there. The air is too clean, the people want to stop and talk to you when you’re walking down the street, and the townsfolk know your business even before you do.”

He shuddered. “Christ, that sounds horrible.”

I tossed my head back as I let out a bark of laughter. “It’s Heaven on Earth, Russ. Heaven. On. Earth.

I put the last box into the back of my new Lexus SUV and hit the button to close it. I turned to my former girlfriend Copyright 2016 - 2024