Playing with Words (Boggy Creek Valley #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,62

you, he’ll kill me and make it look like an accident.”

Her brows lifted. “Oh, that’s not so bad. I figured it was worse.”

I let out a disbelieving laugh. “Worse than him threatening to kill me?”

“Yes! He could have said he’d cut your balls and dick off and make you eat them.”

A cold shudder moved through me. “My God.”

She leaned up onto her toes and kissed me again. “Want some breakfast?”

I watched as she headed into the kitchen like nothing was wrong.

“Wait, how did your brother know you were here?” I asked.

Reaching into a cabinet, she pulled out a frying pan. “Oh, he has some tracking thing on my phone. I pretend like I don’t know he has it, and he generally leaves me be. I’m assuming he saw I never went home last night, and, well…”

I groaned and rubbed my hands over my face.

Greer laughed. “Don’t worry. He was just acting like a big brother. And the only reason he brought Hunter with him was to show you he has backup.”

“Not the first impression I wanted to make on your family, Greer.”

She laughed. “Please. My brother once got caught by the owner doing the nasty on one of the tables in The Coffee Pot. And, he was screwing the owner’s daughter at the time. Trust me, he’s no saint, and he’d never judge me for my actions—or yours.”

I screwed up my face. “Aw, man, I really like the food there. Do we know which table?”

She cracked the eggs into the pan and looked over her shoulder at me. “Never sit at table four. The booth in the corner.”

I was positive a look of horror passed over my face when I realized I had indeed sat at that booth. More than once. Greer turned and slowly shook her head. “That’s too bad.”


I slipped on a robe and headed out of my bathroom, stopping when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I was smiling. When was the last time I’d caught myself smiling for no reason?

I shook my head and laughed. “Oh, you have a reason.”

The last twenty-four hours had been the most amazing day of my life. I spent the morning with Hudson, going for a long walk and then sitting in a chair reading a book while he wrote. Then, I finally had him bring me back home, so I could get ready for dinner at my parents’ house later. Hudson was picking me up in an hour and coming with me, thanks to my brother’s invite this morning.

Leaning toward the mirror, I ran my fingers over my lips. I swore I could still feel the tingle of Hudson’s kisses. With another shake of my head, I walked into the bedroom and to my closet. I didn’t normally get dressed up for dinner at my folks’ place, but since this was for my birthday, and Hudson would be there, I was putting in a bit more effort today.

I decided to wear skinny jeans, a white sweater, and black ankle boots. Nothing too over-the-top, though it was fancier than my usual yoga pants and long-sleeve shirt.

My phone rang, and I grinned when I saw who it was. “Hey, Candace.”

“Oh, don’t even ‘hey’ me, you bitch. I’ve been texting you all day.”

“I texted you back!” I replied with a laugh.

She huffed. “No, excuse me, that was not a reply to my question. You told me you would fill me in on Monday. That’s not going to work for me. I’m coming up with the key you gave me and helping you dress for dinner.”

“I’m only going to my parents’ house.”

Through the phone, I heard the sound of my downstairs door unlocking and then locking again.

“Are you here now?”

She drew in a long, deep breath. “If you honestly think my ass is gonna wait until tomorrow to get the scoop, you are delusional. I’m on my way up.”

I pressed my lips together tightly to keep from laughing. “I’m in my bedroom.”

“Right. Be there in a minute.”

The line went dead, and it wasn’t long before I heard the front door of my place open and close. I turned to face the doorway of my bedroom and waited for my best friend to appear. Candace was honestly more like a sister to me. I was so grateful that she left her family in Boston behind to help me with Turning Pages. She’d been right there with me every step of the way. From the moment I bought the store, to when she packed up Copyright 2016 - 2024