Playing with Words (Boggy Creek Valley #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,38

fishing all the time.” Greer looked down at her wine and smiled. “I loved doing that. Spending time with them. We would go for hours and no one would utter a word, but there was something so special about just being there with them, in the moment. If that makes any sense at all.”

I nodded. “It does. Besides hiking and fishing and your love of outdoors, what else do you like?”

Her gaze met mine. I loved those hazel eyes of hers. It felt like if you looked closely enough, she’d let you see into her soul. “Besides reading, I love old movies, dancing, being with friends and laughing about nothing. I’d like to go back to Italy someday. I loved it there. Maybe Australia.”

I finished off my brownie and ice cream and had to force myself not to lick the plate. Setting it down on the table, I focused back on Greer. “I love Italy, and I’ve been to Australia.”

She smiled. “Looks like I found my tour guide, then.”

If she asked me to take her to Australia, I would do it right now. To hell with the book. “What kind of dancing?”

Her brows lifted. “What kind?” She shrugged. “Any, I guess. I’ve always been a fan of two-stepping, probably because my brother Kyle asked me to practice it with him once back in high school. Our school was having a dance, and it had a country music theme.” She laughed and shook her head. “We practiced two-stepping for weeks in the formal dining room of my folks’ house. We pushed the table to the side, so we had more space, and would keep our shoes off so we could slide on the wood floor.”

“I have to admit, I’ve only ever two-stepped twice in my entire life. Both times I was drunk out of my mind and in Texas at the time, so I don’t know if I was any good.”

Greer grinned, and I could tell she was trying to hold back a laugh. “I could teach you, if you want.”

“Now?” I asked.

With a casual shrug, she said, “I’ve got speakers up here.”

I placed my hand over my heart. “And she has an outdoor sound system. All you need is a large screen and a projector, and you could have some serious football game parties out here.”

Greer stood and made her way over to another area of the roof I hadn’t seen yet. It was covered. After a few minutes of her messing around with something, music came on over speakers that were placed around the rooftop.

“Did you do all of this, Greer?” I asked when she made her way back over.

Scoffing, she replied, “No. The previous owner did. He liked to host reading events and such up here. And the occasional party.”

A country song came on, and I drew in a deep breath as we stepped closer together. Greer looked up at me. “Okay, so we’ll start by holding hands.”

She held out her hands, and I took them in mine. Her eyes snapped up to mine, and for a moment I thought she might have felt the same zip of energy I did from touching her.

“So we’ll start out just walking in a line. I’ll go backwards and you lead with your left foot.”

I glanced down at my feet and nodded. “Okay, why my left foot?”

“Because the ladies are always right.”

Laughing, I slowly shook my head. “Damn, I walked into that one.”

As we started to walk, she nodded. “Literally.”

Once we got to the end, Greer turned. “Now, let’s do a quick, quick, slow, slow step.”

I nodded and we started off again.

Greer smiled. “We have perfect time!”

With a wink, I replied, “I agree. Now what?”

“Okay, let’s get into position. Your left hand goes up, and my right hand goes to your left. Your other hand goes up near my shoulder blade—yep, just like that. Now pretend you’re wearing a tie. Line your tie up with my right shoulder so we’re a bit off center. Yes! That gives our feet space to move together.”

I tried like hell to ignore the way my heart started pounding when I touched her body.

“Our elbows will touch like this, and my hand rests right about here. On your, um…your…um shoulder.”

Her cheeks turned bright red as she stared at my chest and then slowly looked up to meet my eyes.

“Something wrong?”

“No,” she answered, shaking her head. “Um, let’s do the quick, quick, slow, slow steps again.”

We did them a few times, both staring down at our feet.

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