Playing with Words (Boggy Creek Valley #2) - Kelly Elliott Page 0,14

bookstore. We both greeted them with a hello and a wave.

“Whatever he whispered had you blushing instantly,” Candace said. “What did he say, by the way?”

The last thing I wanted to do was repeat what Hudson had said. Not because I was worried about what Candace would think, but more because if I even thought it, let alone voiced it, I would blush again. “Nothing.”

“Mmmhmm. Sure. Okay, let’s go with that.”

I rolled my eyes and looked back toward the study room. “He said he was here to write a book.”

“So not a research trip, huh? Why here? Why Boggy Creek?”

After a long exhale, I replied, “Maybe he needs a change of scenery. But he’s not going to get that by sitting in a small room.”

“Could be he likes being surrounded by books,” Candace added.

Glancing at her, I laughed. “He’s in a tiny room.”

“Yes, but he can look up and see the books. Maybe he doesn’t want to sit in the Willow Tree Inn all day. Although, they do have a lot of cute little sitting areas outside.”

I chewed on my lip and lifted up on my toes to peer over the bookshelves. My curiosity was for sure piqued, and I found myself slowly making my way through the bookstore. Before I knew it, I was tapping on the door as I held my breath and waited.


The light tap at the door caused me to look up. I saw Greer standing there with an awkward smile on her face, and I motioned for her to come in. She opened the door, stepped in, and then drew in a breath.

“So, this is going to be crazy weird.”

I laughed as I leaned back in my chair. “Thanks for the warning.”

Her smile grew a bit wider, and I was taken aback once again by how beautiful this woman truly was. And those eyes of hers. I couldn’t tell if they were hazel or more of a golden green.

“If you’re not here for research and you’re writing a book, are you using Boggy Creek as inspiration or…”

Her voice trailed off, and I motioned for her to come all the way in and have a seat in the only other chair in the room. She did, then instantly started to wring her hands together in her lap.

“Like I mentioned before, when I was younger, my parents used to come to Boggy Creek every summer.”

Greer’s eyes lit up. “How many years did you guys come here?”

“I think it was like four or five years in a row. I have a lot of fond memories of this area. We came a few times in the winter and skied farther up the valley one time. It was our family Christmas vacation.”

“At the ski resort,” she stated.

“Yes,” I answered with a grin as a memory of my father attempting to teach me how to ski popped into my head. “Anyway, I’ve been struggling to write my latest book. I thought a change of scenery would help get my creative juices flowing again. I’ve been wanting to come back here and visit, so this was the perfect timing. New York City in the fall is beautiful, but the noise has been getting to me. I needed a break for a bit. My folks live in Boston, but it’s too much like New York.”

She grinned, and I swore her eyes sparkled. “The colors are starting to change up here, and there are some beautiful spots where you could be writing instead of in my small study room, Hudson.”

I chuckled. “I know. On the drive up, I was inspired by a few ideas that I voice-messaged to myself so I wouldn’t forget them. I think the area is what prompted the inspiration. Willow Tree Inn is beautiful, but it’s not exactly quiet around there.”

Greer laughed.

“I’m going to explore the area more; I just wanted to get some words in first before I played.”

She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, and I felt my dick twitch in my pants. Christ, what was it about this woman that made my body ache for her?

“Well, whenever you’re free, I’d love to show you some of my favorite spots. My father has a hunting cabin outside of town a bit. It’s empty and would actually make a wonderful little writing retreat. He even has a desk set up there, and Internet if you need it.”

I sat up. “Really? I mean, I enjoy the bed and breakfast, but something a little more remote might be nice. Do Copyright 2016 - 2024