Playing Patience - By Tabatha Vargo Page 0,54

than him touching me.

I held my breath as he leaned his face closer to mine. Technically, I’d never been kissed and secretly I was hoping Zeke would be my first kiss, but instead of pressing his lips to mine, he brought his mouth to my ear.

“I told you I was a bad guy. You can’t trust guys like me.” His deep voice worked its way down the back of my neck, leaving goose bumps along the way.

He told me before that I shouldn’t trust him, but the funny part was that I did. I don’t know why I did; I just did.

“I trust you.” My voice sounded foreign to me, like I had something stuck in the back of my throat.

“If you knew what I was thinking you wouldn’t. My mind is filthy. I’m not sure you could handle it.”

He was right. I probably couldn’t handle it, but that didn’t mean I didn’t want to know what the hell he was thinking.

“I can.” My voice shook like a scared little girl’s.

“Is that so?” he asked as he nuzzled my neck.

I started to get jittery. My insides were shaking so hard and I couldn’t decide if it was from fear or excitement.

“Remember the other day in my car, when you told me you’d let me do things?” His tongue flicked over my ear lobe and I let a soft hiss slip through my teeth.

“Uh-huh.” It sounded childish, but it was all I was capable of saying.

The room suddenly felt smaller and hotter. A rush of warmth spread throughout my body and I could feel my pulse in my temples my heart was beating so fast and hard. I breathed in through my nose and took in the scent of his heated skin. He smelled amazing, like men’s cologne and fresh laundry.

He surprised me with a soft kiss to the side of my neck and I split right down the center. The top half of me wanted to run out into the cool night air and jog home, but the bottom half of me wanted to fade into him and become one.

“You let me hold your hand. What else will you let me do, snowflake?”

I used to hate it when he called me snowflake, but now I was beginning to think she was who I really was. There was Patience, the governor’s daughter, and then there was Snowflake, the girl who was starting to melt in Zeke’s very capable hands. Given the choice of who I’d want to be for the rest of my days, I’d choose Snowflake every time.

A soft noise pushed past my moist lips and I felt him smile against the side of my neck. His breath shifted the hair that hung against my cheek and it made me shiver even more. Everything in me trembled as my insides began to push at my seams. The healthy girl deep within me wanted to be free. She wanted to explore all the dark corners of Zeke, but the scarred me, the one who’d been broken down beyond belief was still holding her back.

“Will you let me do this?” he asked as he slipped his hands down my sides and brought them around my backside.

I stiffened for just a second as a tiny hint of panic seeped in, but the minute he started drawing lazy circles on the back of my thighs with a single finger, I squashed that panic and let pleasure take its place. A tiny murmur came from deep within me and he softly growled his approval against my ear.

“And what about this? Will you let me do this?” he asked as he brought his hands up and slipped them into the back of my boxer shorts. He filled his large hands with my ass and gave it a soft squeeze.

Only my thin pair of cotton panties kept his hands from touching my heated skin. My breathing increased and my heartbeat sped up.

His hands moved down, taking the boxer shorts with them, and I didn’t stop the shorts when they slid down my legs and around my ankles. He brought his hands around to my stomach and ran his finger along the top of my panty line and pelvic bone.

“What do you want me to do? Do you want me to move my hand lower?” I felt his breath against my cheek as he moved his head down and kissed my collar bone.

I didn’t respond. Instead, my body took over and I pressed my pelvic area against his Copyright 2016 - 2024