Playing Hooky with the Hottie - Maggie Dallen Page 0,28

ought to be stewing over, not some cocky, smiley slacker who kissed unsuspecting girls just for kicks.

I stood up quickly. “I should get going,” I said. “I need to go to the pool and make sure I have everything I need for tonight’s meet.”

“Good luck tonight,” Lulu called after me.

I muttered to myself in annoyance the whole way to the pool, which was on the far side of the school. I’d never once been unprepared on the day of a meet.

That was just a sign of how rattled I’d been by that kiss.

I’d almost forgotten about the meet completely.

Life as I knew it was falling apart around me.

I shook my head with a huff. And I was officially becoming melodramatic. Life wasn’t falling apart.

It was just this stupid crush.

And Will.

Both had to go.

I took a deep breath. No more obsessing over Justin, and from now on, I’d ignore any stupid butterflies his presence brought about.

As for Will…?

Well, it was clearly time to put an end to this social media experiment.

It had been a lame idea in the first place.

I was actually starting to feel a little more clearheaded...until I turned a corner and walked right into Will.

The wind rushed out of me when I looked up at him, but if he was fazed at the sight of me...I certainly couldn’t tell.

Meanwhile my heart was racing, and my eyes were locked on his lips and...crap. Had he said something?

It took my brain two seconds too long to catch up with the fact that he’d spoken. I blinked a few times and forced myself to look away from his lips.

His lips were curved up in a grin. Obviously. Like always. His dark eyes seemed darker than ever with that mischievous twinkle and...maybe something else?

Something more?

My mouth went dry at the thought. Nerves warred with a completely unexpected and bizarre surge of—well, joy—at seeing him like this.

What the...what was wrong with me?

I liked Justin.

Didn’t I?

His hand touching my skin didn’t help my confusion. Sure he was just pressing the back of his hand to my forehead like he was checking for a fever, but still…

I felt sparks exploding at the touch.

So much so, I jerked back.

His lazy smile never faltered. “You doing alright there, Haze? You look a little...dazed and confused.”

“Fine,” I said. “Just fine.” It’s just that I haven’t stopped thinking about kissing you in the last twenty-four hours, that’s all.

And now… Now all I could think about was kissing him again.

Right here in the hallway.

What the heck?

One freakin’ day of rebellion, and suddenly I was a loose cannon. A freakin’ rebel.

“Where are you headed?” he asked.

I nodded toward the hall behind him. “The pool. I have to check my locker.”

“You have a meet tonight, right?”

I nodded.

“Are you ready?”

His lips were still curved up, but...he was serious. This was a guy who was never serious. Not for long and not about anything, as far as I knew. The fact that he seemed sincerely interested did nothing to help the confusion that made my head swirl.

“I think so,” I said.

He drew his brows together in feigned concern. ‘You think so…’ That does not sound like the Hazey May I know.”

“That’s because I’m not Hazey May,” I replied mildly. “You must have me confused with someone else.”

He laughed, and the sound was…

Oh heck. It was sexy.

He was sexy. This was not news. In fact, it was a well-known fact. Everyone knew that Will Lansing was a hottie. I’d never heard him referred to as a player, but…

My insides sloshed dangerously, and I wished I’d eaten that granola bar.

Was that what the kiss had been?

Did he kiss every girl he met like that? Was he able to brush it off and move on really hadn’t meant anything to him?

“Hey, Haze…” He took a step closer, his characteristic lopsided smile fading as his eyes moved over my face. “Seriously, are you okay?”

I stared at him for a full second Not really. He looked like nothing had happened, and I’d been reeling for a solid day.

I didn’t do reeling.

Emma said it earlier. I knew what I wanted. I knew what I wanted, and I went for it. Even when I didn’t win, I tried.

But I’d never been in this position before. I’d never been so confused over what I wanted.

Or rather, who.

His hands on my upper arms had me blinking. Crap. I’d missed something he’d said again. But I caught the concern in his eyes. For a guy who never seemed to care much about Copyright 2016 - 2024