Playing at Forever - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,80

just a little bit excited.

Graham had also arranged for a limo, Penny discovered later that evening. She stood in front of a proud Diego, his eyes shining happily.

“Beautiful, Penelope. Absolutely beautiful.”

“All thanks to you,” she told him, her cheeks burning.

“No, dear—this one is all you. You wrote the symphony. I just played it.” Penny smiled, ducking her head.

She had chosen her gown—a deep red with a subtle v-neck that clung to her just right. Diego hadn’t even argued.

Her hair hung in loose curls, her makeup soft and subtle.

“Well, you’d better run along, dear. You’ve got a crowd of heads just waiting to be turned.” Penny laughed, noticing the time. He was right—she had to be going. “Give Tommy my love.”

“Oh, I doubt I’ll even see him—”

“Honey, he’s going to see you.” He took her by the arm and led her from the room, all the way to the limo. “Have a great night, dear.”

“Thank you!” She told him. After the door was closed, she rolled down the window. “And tell Graham I said the same!”

“Get your head back in that car before you mess up your hair!” She laughed again, doing as she was told. She couldn’t believe how nervous she felt, sitting in the back of the limo, staring anxiously at her hands.

“Breathe,” she whispered to herself as the limo pulled up to the theater. The carpet was already lined with celebrities. She saw Tommy several feet ahead, looking dashing as always in his simple black suit.

The door opened and Penny hesitated a moment, her heart pounding wildly in her chest.

And then she lowered her feet, taking the hand offered by the gentleman holding the door open for her. She made sure to keep a smile on her face as the cameras flashed, stopping for a moment so that they could all get their shot.

People called her name from every direction as she strolled down the walkway, stopping every once and awhile to talk to a reporter. “Don’t you look lovely, Mrs. Davidson,” Ryan Wilson spoke, sidling up alongside her.

“Why thank you, Mr. Wilson.” She smiled happily at him. “It’s nice to see you here.”

“It’s nice to see you here. I didn’t expect you to come.”

“I didn’t expect me to,” she shrugged her shoulders.

“From the looks of it, Tommy didn’t either.”

She glanced over her shoulder to find him staring at her, the look in his eyes different from any she had seen before. “I didn’t tell him.”

“Why not?” Penny shrugged her shoulders again.

“It wasn’t about him.” She answered finally. She hadn’t come to make him happy—she’d done it for herself. She was done feeling as if she owed him, or that he owed her—after everything they had been through, she figured they were finally even. “What would you say to escorting me inside?”

“I’d say I’d be honored.” Penny smiled warmly, slipping her arm through Ryan’s and walking the rest of the way to the theater.

“Could I have a minute?” Tommy’s voice surprised her as he approached from behind. She and Ryan were standing just inside the entrance, standing among a loose line of people waiting to enter the screening

“Sure,” Ryan smiled at his friend, then at Penny, before slipping into the crowd.

“You came,” Tommy found her eyes immediately, and Penny nodded her head, unsure of what she should say. “You look amazing.”

“I ran into Graham last night. He sent Diego over for me this morning.”

“Graham did that?” Penny nodded again, tearing her eyes from his.

“I was pretty surprised myself.” People glanced at them curiously as they walked by. “I didn’t know you fired him.”

“Sometimes, people are just better off as friends. Besides, he got a little too carried away with the tabloid business.” Penny looked up as he sighed, looking away. “I know I have no right to ask—but, would you like to come to my place after this thing is over? I just—I wanted to talk to you, that’s all.”

“I don’t know, Tommy—”

“Please, Pen.” She hated that she couldn’t deny him, even though she knew she should. The walls around her heart crumbled just a bit as he offered his hopeful little smile to her.

“Okay, Tommy. I’ll give you an hour.”

The film was, at least in Penny’s opinion, one of the best she’d ever seen. She couldn’t deny her tears, even though she knew what was coming.

And Tommy…

Tommy had executed the performance of his career.

She sat, watching the credits roll—another wave of tears overwhelming her as she saw the dedication to his father.

Everybody in the room clapped, including Copyright 2016 - 2024